Hey, Take it Easy

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Present Day

I stiffened underneath his hand, and that, too stilled as he realized I was awake.

"Good morning," He said, his voice deep and raspy with sleep. I had to move, had to leave and get as far away from here as possible. I'd taken his kindness yesterday and used it to comfort myself with absolutely no intentions to give him anything in return, not that I even could if I wanted to.

I didn't-- couldn't--say anything as I untangled myself from Alexander, pulling as far away as possible and scrambling off the bed.

He spoke again, that masculine voice messing with several parts of me, "Take it easy, Adelaide, what's going on?"

Shaking my head, I backed away further from the bed, his bed, "This was a mistake, I shouldn't have--"

"Addie, what?" He asked incredulous, also standing now, taking steps towards me. He looked hurt and confused, and I felt like I was kicking a puppy or stealing candy from a baby. Even worse, I could see disappointment in his eyes, as if part of him had actually expected this from me.

"I can't do this," I whispered, the last part so softly I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't heard, "I'm sorry."

And then I ran from the room and into the one I shared with Conrad. I startled him awake as he bolted up from the bed, looking delirious. He called my name in questioning, which I ignored as I got dressed and got ready for the day. I walked past him and headed down to the first floor, where breakfast was being served in the conference hall in advance of today's round of meetings.

Alan and Jordan are the only ones there and as soon as I enter they pounce.

"Where were you yesterday?" Jordan demanded at the same time Alan asked, "Adelaide, are you alright?"

Sighing, I picked up a blueberry muffin from the breakfast buffet table and made my way over to my seat, picking apart the muffin bite by bite, "It's nothing, just drop it."

"You're a terrible liar," Jordan deadpanned and I leveled him with one of my famous Bitch Glares, but he withstood it.

"Adelaide," Alan interrupted our little staring contest, "I might not be your birth father, and I might not have known you the past five years, but I still raised you, and I know when something's bothering you, and when you're hiding something. So tell us, please."

"It has something to do with Alpha Alexander, yeah?" Jordan added, those keen observation skills never missing anything.

Sighing, I slowly nodded before mumbling, "Alexander is my mate... or whatever."

Their jaws dropped in surprise; clearly this scenario had not been on their list of situations they were expecting to hear. Alan recovered first, though, and the protective Alpha in him came out, "Has he done something? Hurt you? Is that why it's so tense? I'll kill him if he has."

I shook my head, and spoke before Jordan could chime in, "It's not him. I don't want a mate, and he's not happy about it. I promise it's fine, now please drop it."

Thankfully they did as I asked as more people began filing in, grabbing breakfast and coffees before sitting down in their seats, ready for another long day of talking and arguing and diplomacy.

Conrad entered and took his seat next to me, Alexander following closely behind and rounding out the last of the Alphas being waited on. His eyes met mine as he strode to his seat, a million different words and emotions in his eyes, before drifting away, though it had felt like a warning. I only realized why when I saw the photo and knife in his hands, stiffening instantly.

If it gets too much, let me know, Connie's voice drifted into my mind, my mental shields destroyed after yesterday's emotional explosion, I'll get you out.

I only gave him a subtle dip of the chin in response.

Alexander cleared his throat, immediately silencing the room and drawing all attention to him, "There was a development in these events yesterday afternoon. A hunter left this photo tacked to a tree near our border with this knife. It is a photo of Adelaide, Third to Alpha Rhodes, message on the back stating the words 'Found You'. The hunter is one that has been spotted before, with claw scars on the side of his face. I will defer to Alpha Rhodes and Adelaide for further explanation."

All eyes immediately turned to me, including Conrad's. He was giving me the chance to tell my own story, not have it told for me. Taking in a deep breath, I sat up straight in the chair and began, "A little over two years ago I was attacked by a hunter on Ravage Pack land. He got away, but he marked me. He was a blond hunter with claw marks scarring his face and a tattoo of two arrows crossing on his neck. A week later he found me again and captured me."

I told it like a story, like it didn't happen to me at all, just a character in a story. I built my mental wall back up brick by brick, blocking those devastating waves of terrifying memories from crashing into me and derailing me completely.

I paused, taking another breath, before continuing, "He held me captive and tortured me for ten days. I escaped and stabbed him in the chest. I thought I killed him, but it turns out I was wrong. I stabbed him with that knife right there."

Everyone's gaze shifted to the dagger in front of Alexander before flitting back to me. I sensed an abundance of emotion coming from everyone gathered, and couldn't pinpoint them all, but I felt a few of respect, along with a few of suspicion. Sitting back in my chair, I listened as the whispers started anew.

Finally, a brave Alpha called out, "So this widespread attack is about her, not everyone?"

"This specific hunter has an obsession with Adelaide," Conrad spoke up, his voice booming and heavy with command. "The rest of his kind are obsessed with eradicating werewolves, all of us. He might be targeting Adelaide, but we are all targets as well."

More whispers.

The Alpha across from me frowned before she finally spoke, "You say you were tortured for ten days. What kind of information did he torture you for?"

I blinked, clenching my jaw, before responding as calmly as possible, "Nothing. He never asked questions and only ever spoke once. He didn't torture me because he had to or wanted information. He did it because he liked it."

Several flares of white hot anger shot through the room, and I knew if I looked I would find matching fury on the faces of Conrad, Alexander, Jordan, and Alan.

The female Alpha across from me spoke again, "I believe Adelaide and Alpha Rhodes are speaking the truth. Let us discuss where we go from here."

I nodded at her in respect, thanking her for turning the attention back away from me, from the horrors of my past, and she simply nodded back.

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