An Ex in an Arcade?

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Y/n's POV

"I call the alien game!" Oikawa announces. We all follow him and Hajime groans.

"Slow down baka!" Hajime yells at him. B/f/n laughs and I stand there uninterested. How I got here you ask? Well, let me explain. I was just at home minding my own businesses when I heard someone knocking at my front door. I opened it to see Hajime, B/f/n, and Oikawa outside.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well this idiot dragged me along because he wanted to go to the arcade so I asked B/f/n if she wanted to and she said yes. So we couldn't forget you so we came to your house," He explained.

"Why couldn't you call me or text me?" I asked again.

"Well my phone died," He answered. I looked at B/f/n.

"My parents took my phone away," B/f/n said.

"Fine, I'll go," I reply.

Now I'm here. An arcade sounds fun, right? Nope. Not when you have to supervise a high schooler who acts like a toddler. I would love to play some games but Hajime told me that the last time he went to an arcade with Oikawa, he spent an hour looking for him when they got separated. Only to find him at an alien game. So Hajime thought it was a good idea to stay together. But I had a bad feeling and I wanted to get out though I just ignored it and thought I was being paranoid. When Oikawa finally found a game he was interested he put a token in and started playing.

"I'm hungry," B/f/n tells me. I did want some food too.

"Same. Hajime, we're going to get something to eat. Want anything?" I ask him.

"I just want something to drink. Anything's fine," He replies. I nod. "Just stay here then. We'll be back in a few minutes."

Me and B/f/n make our way to the concession and look at what they had before we got in line. While we waited we talked about our favorite animes and the new seasons that were coming out. When it was our turn we told the cashier what we wanted. I was about to pay until someone else handed the cashier money. But it wasn't B/f/n.

"Hello Y/n." My eyes widened. That voice. I know it all too well. No. Not him. Not now. I turned to the person and I knew I was right. The person I never wanted to see again. He was here. Minato Himure. My ex.

"Himure." I glared at him curling my hand into a fist.

"Why don't you call me by the name you use to call me?"


"Fiesty as always," He smirks.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him trying to stay calm.

"Well, I was just here with a friend until I saw you. Oh, how I've missed you. Your voice, your touch. You're still looking good too I see. How about it? Be mine again?" He winks at me as I look at him with disgust.

"You cheated on me. Do you really think I'm gonna go back to you? Well think again buddy. Never gonna happen. Now leave us alone," I snap at him.

"What if I don't want to?" He smirks as he tries to put his hand on my cheek but I slap it away.


"I know you want me, darling. Come back with me," He starts getting closer and closer causing me to start to panic but someone pushes him away. When I realize that it was Oikawa I calmed down.

"Don't ever get near her ever again! If you do, you'll regret it!" Oikawa shouts pushing him away.

"I'll be back for you sweetie," Himure smirks as he walks off. I suddenly fall to my knees as my head gets dizzy.

"Y/n. Are you okay?" Hajime asks worriedly. I nod my head and wave him off. My breathing starts going at its normal pace and I slowly get up. As I did I almost collapse but Oikawa catches me. What is wrong with me?

"You're obviously not okay," Oikawa says. I couldn't even reply. I just looked at the ground. "You don't have to tell us right now. I'll get you home so you can rest. All I did was nod.

"I wish I could come with but I have something to do right now," B/f/n sighs, "I'll tell them for you if you want Y/n." I nodded at her suggestion. I don't know if I could tell them myself to be honest. I would feel like collapsing.

"Same. I'm trusting her with you Oikawa. Take care of her," Hajime instructs.

"Alright. I promise to bring her home safely," Oikawa replies. He then picks me up bridal style and takes me back home.

B/f/n's POV

I couldn't help but watch Oikawa who was carrying Y/n home disappear in the distance. My face saddened. Poor Y/n.

"I want to know what happened if you don't mind. It's just that, I've never seen Y/n like that before and I want to help her any way I can," Hajime spoke.

"It all started when we were first years at our old high school. Y/n was still how she is now. Himure was kind of popular but not much. He used to be so kind and dorky when we first met him. Y/n and him got along well and they had this connection. I would match them together because they did look cute together. They started getting closer and closer and lots of people assumed they were dating. They eventually started dating and what they felt for a little was real. But in our second year when other girls started watching Himure play basketball, he got popular. Eventually, he became a total jerk and player and cheated on Y/n. That's why Y/n has these walls built up for herself. I think you get the rest." I explain. Hajime had this sad and angry look on his face.

"So I guess that's also a reason why she won't open up as much to Oikawa. She didn't deserve that," Hajime synthesized.

"You and me same. Y/n's a great person. She befriended me when I had no one else. I don't know what she did to have such awful things like this to be done to her," I say. Y/n. Don't worry. I'll always be there to back you up. You are my best friend forever after all. I think Hajime and Oikawa would do the same.

Oikawa's POV

We finally made it to Y/n's house and I felt drained. I helped her inside and into her room.

"Thank you Oikawa, for what you did back there and taking me home," She thanks me and I shakes my head.

"It's nothing. No one deserves to be treated like that. And... Y/n, I may be an idiot sometimes and I know you find me annoying at times but, I'm here to talk if you need it." I waited to hear a reply but I just heard soft snores. I turned to her and saw that was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. I left her room and closed the door. Sweet dreams Y/n.

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