Grad Thoughts

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Just thought it would be nice to write what all of them thought about graduating and their high school years. And yes, this is a chapter.

Third Person POV

Today was graduation day for all the third years and everyone was seated in front of the stage. Some people went up to talk and give speeches while everyone listened. Some people were fine but some were, well, close to or already crying. The end of the ceremony came and everyone was getting ready to throw their caps.

Iwaizumi's POV

I still can't believe I'm graduating today. I've accomplished a lot during the years and happy with where I am. Honestly, I was worried for Oikawa for awhile. And not just because of volleyball. I was worried that he would find someone that just liked him for looks and nothing else. Let me tell you that all the relationships Oikawa had been in, never lasted long enough. But, all that changed when Y/n came along and I'm grateful. Not only does he have someone to love him for him but, he stops clinging on to me which is relaxing.

And then I met B/f/n. When I first met her, she was...very outgoing. But I quickly came to respect her when I realized how supportive and caring she was towards Y/n. Though, she was stubborn at times. I've never actually considered dating anyone before because I was too busy worrying about Oikawa. But getting to know B/f/n made me fall in love with her and I can't really imagine myself with anyone other than her.

Even though we didn't go to Nationals, I'm still glad that I made amazing friends and I will continue to play volleyball. I'll miss everyone when we go off to different universities but I know that somehow we'll keep in touch. Thank you for an amazing high school experience.

B/f/n's POV


Sorry, I'm trying not to cry right now. Okay, anyway, I'm glad I met my bestie Y/n. She is the best friend in the world and I would not trade her for anyone else. I'm glad I moved to go to school in Aoba Johsai or else I would have never seen her again. I'm going to miss my weeb bestie but I know we'll call video call each other at three am in the morning every day.

Oikawa, well, don't have much to say about him but I'm glad he makes my bestie happy!

And my boyfriend, favourite/anime/character. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I swear I'm taking graduation seriously. I'm just making jokes to stop myself from crying. Anyway, Hajime. He's always there for me and even though he's not an anime character, I still love him because he's the best boyfriend in the world.


I'm crying.

Oikawa's POV

I first of all want to thank all the people who helped me get here. I couldn't do it by myself, seriously. But I feel like throughout the years, I have improved. Not just with volleyball but with becoming a better person.

Iwa-chan. Thanks for always being there for me and for stopping me when I started doing stupid things. You're not only an amazing best friend but an amazing ace as well. You'll always be someone special to me and you will always be the best ace to me.

Thanks to the team. I know we didn't make it to Nationals this year but I'm grateful and proud of all of you. You were a fantastic team and I wish I could play with you guys again. But I know one day, you'll make it to Nationals. Keep working hard and thank you for the past three years.

Y/n. I don't think I can express enough how grateful I am for you in my life. You've made me a better person and I can't imagine life without you. To me, you are tho most perfect person in the world. Sure we've had ups and downs but in the end, it all worked out. I love you so much! I could write more about how much I love you but I'm tired. I know you understand.

Y/n's POV

Well. We're graduating soon.

I didn't think it would come so soon but here we are. A lot has happened this year and it will probably be one of the best years of my life. Despite all the bad experiences I've had, there were more good memories to cherish. I moved on from the past and started playing volleyball more. I met some of the most amazing people that I will never forget. And I fell in love for the first time, in real life, not with anime characters. I created bonds with many people and not just in Aoba Johsai but in Karasuno too. I really hoped to stay in touch with all of them even after I graduate. I was grateful because everything that had happened this year, has made me into a better person and I'm much more confident stronger than before.

I not only have the people close to me to thank but to all the people who made my life hell. Without them, I would've never grown into the person I am. And I know now, there are people who will matter more and be with you through thick and thin. Sure there may be bumpy roads ahead, and people may disagree, but at the end of the road is happiness. You just have to be determined and not give up to get to the end of that road.

Graduating was both a happy and sad thing. I would be leaving high school and pursuing something that I enjoy doing. On the other hand, it was hard to leave some people behind. I know that from now on, things weren't going to be so easy but, I had many people in my life who were going to support me and be there when I struggle. And I would do the same.

The boys from the team,

The boys from Karasuno (and Kiyoko and Yachi),

Uncle Irihata,




Thank you.

I love you all(especially Oikawa).

Hey guys! Sorry for being away so long. I just had a lot of things going on but here you go! I also thought since it's Oikawa's bday, I should update. Looking back, this chapter may looked rushed but I've had writers block and this is all I could come up with. Though I still do like this chapter. I hope I made some of you cry and laugh, most likely cry. But we've only got one chapter left guys! I really hope things aren't going to quickly but if they are, I apologize. But I'll make the last chapter one of the best chapters I have ever written, hopefully. Anyways, imma just leave now and I'll see you guys in the final chapter. And thank you all again for being so patient.


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