L.P Epilogue 2. Unforgettable

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You sipped at your coffee, glancing over the rim of the cup and smiling surreptitiously.

There was a swallow singing sweetly as it danced lithely through the air above your head. You turned your gaze upwards, following it as it arced through the air, smiling broadly now.

"It's a beautiful day"

"It is" you reply softly, turning your gaze from the swallow to him.

He lowered the newspaper, smiling at you. "What do you feel like doing today?"

"Absolutely nothing"

He smiled again, leaning over to turn a dial on the radio. He always enjoyed listening to the news over coffee. Even as he read the paper.

The radio crackled for a moment, before tuning in to a nearby station.

"...and actor Tom Holland has won his first Oscar at the 102nd Academy Awards. Holland is best known for being the youngest actor to portray the beloved web-slinger Peter Parker in Sony and Marvel's "Spider-Man" trilogy, but has made a name for himself in more recent years for rejecting mainstream Hollywood blockbuster films, choosing to do a series of gritty indies to mixed reviews. Holland's speech included thanking a mysterious "M"; no one is sure who "M" is and Holland, notoriously private, has remained tightlipped, despite -"

He turns it off before anymore can be said.

He won.

You'd always known he would.

He'd turned his hurt and anger into his work and had finally won the recognition he so deserved.

It would've stung once; still did a little. But was a dull sting, like the prick of a needle that you know is coming.

Mostly all you could think of was how happy you were of him. You wished you could tell him how proud you were, to hold him once more, feel his arms around you just for a moment, though you knew that you'd made the right decision for both of you, even though it had crushed the two of you at the time.

Despite the pain and torment, despite the evenings spent drowning in your tears and wine, bargaining with yourself to get through the next ten minutes let alone the next hour, you and he going separate ways was for the best.

"You alright?" Leigh asked softly.

"Yes" you reply softly. "I'll be back"

Leigh simply nods, letting you retreat without argument.

You wander through the hallway, running your finger along the wall as the photos that adorn it watch you pass. You lock the bedroom door behind you, kneeling beside the bed to dig out the box. You sit on the bed, holding the box, feeling the roughness of it; you could almost pretend it was his stubble, rough against finger tips.

With a soft sigh you lift the lid, examining the contents before picking up the silver ring and slipping it on your middle finger, turning it over and watching it gleam dully.

You touch the purple ribbon that had been attached to the first bouquet of flowers he'd ever given you; your finger catches on the Spider-Man keychain he gave you. Your breath hitches as you unearth the photographs.

That's what you are
Tho' near or far

Damn those curls, you thought as you slowly flicked through the photos. Damn that smile and those lips; those burning unfathomable eyes; that impossible-to-resist body. Damn that wonderful, perfect man.

Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more
Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, that's how you'll stay

There was a soft knock at the door. You wiped the tears you hadn't realised were falling and gently put away the photos, slipped the ring from your finger and closed the lid on the box, literally and figuratively.

You opened the door to find Leigh standing at the bedroom door, a bouquet of white roses in his arms.

"These arrived"

You smile and nod, reaching out to take them, opening the small card that was attached to the bouquet.

You're Unforgettable M.
Always were,
Always will be.
Love T x

Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, that's how you'll stay
That's why darling it's incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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