Alas, this tale must come to an end

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Ah, well it seems that Skeppy has spoken his word on the ship - the end of an era, I suppose.

No seriously, I won't be writing anymore SkepHalo if it makes people uncomfortable so yeah.

...I'm still finna ship DreamHalo until Dream or BBH tell us they don't like it.

Ok for the 3 people that read this, bye~~ I hope you have a nice day and don't harass anyone about the ship!

EDIT: Alright you scrubs from the future who weren't in the SkepHalo fandom in 2019. He said in a stream that he didn't want people forcing the ship onto them. Back then, his words, did get a little twisted amongst the fandom, so posting SkepHalo content felt wrong to post and I felt like I was falling out of the fandom anyway so this was more incentive to stop. I think, it was 2 years ago or something. Well, as of 2021, it's cool, I still ship it, and even their friends tease them about it. Alright, good night. Please stop asking, unless you have any further questions.

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