season 3

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Gray pov

I finally asked her.what will she say?out of no were i hear a "YES!" Those words made me very happy.she then came in for a hug.i was finally holding her in my arms.then i kissed her.

Leon pov

I was walking down the main road of town.i was carring some choclote and a teddy bear with a cute white bow tie around the neck.

I was on my way to go see juvia and ask her on a date.I felt so happy but also nerves.she always had a crush on that gray fullbuster, but i wouldn't quit.

"What should i say when i see her? Should i just ask her when she sees me or wha..."

I then saw the thing i wish i would never see ever. Gray and my juvia kissing under a big tree. How could he do that to me. He always known my feelings for her and yet still kissed her.

I was so angry at dare he lay a finger on my darling beautiful juvia. My heart was hurt and filled with anger."why did you choose him out of all the other people, why him?"

I feel my eyes start to water up. My nose was starting to turn red and stuffy."I will get her and she will be mine forever, Gray Fullbuster"

Juvia pov

I said yes and went in for a hug.i was so happy then i felt warmth on my lips. I then notice gray was kissing me! I was so suprised but i just kisses back. I held my hands around his neck while his hands were around my waist.

We are now finally dating. Then gray pulled back"oh sorry, i was just happy"i then saw his whole face red. I giggled and blush on how cute he was."its ok"then i gave him a smile.

"U-umm gray, are we now dating?"then i started turning red and looked away from him. He notice then he huged me again. He then whispered in my ear"of cause we are"

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