Chapter 28

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Adesua's POV

I was at home,preparing to go back to school. I couldn't believe the holidays were over. Technically, they had only given us a two week break but it felt like it was just three days.

I was really glad that I was going back to school. The Easter break had been really boring and I was forced to read during the holidays.

Can you imagine?

Three hours later, I was back in Lawrence high school and believe it or not, it felt good to be back in school again. I entered the hostel and Gabriella screamed when she saw me. I was happy to see her because it had been like forever since we last saw each other.

"Adesua, I've missed you. You've added weight in just two weeks. " she said, hugging me

"You this girl. If I catch you ehn." I replied with a smile

"Ah ah, someone cannot play with you. " she said

Her phone rang and she paused to look at it and then she put it back in her pocket.

"Who was that?" I asked as soon as she put her phone in her pocket.

"Um, someone wants to see you." she replied, pushing me towards the door

"Who?" I asked

"Just go outside and you'll see him." she replied with a playful smile on her face

At the mention of the word 'him', my mind went straight to Debo and I shook my head. Anyway, I had to go and see him to know what he wanted.

I opened the front door and there he was,staring at me. He looked a bit tired.

He hugged me immediately he saw me which made me feel uneasy, considering the fact that we hadn't talked to each other in a long time.

"Hey,how are you? "He asked as he pulled away

"Good and you?"

"Tired. Thankfully my exams are ending next week. One of the advantages of being a commercial student. "

"Hmm, lazy child. Clap for yourself. So which paper do you have left?" I asked

"Science student, why do you want to know? "

"Just asking"

"Fine it's Yoruba "

"Of all subjects to finish with, it's Yoruba. Anyway,how were your papers?"

"Fine except for Maths. I'd be shocked if I get a C4, 5 or 6.

"Was it that bad?" I asked

"Yes, it was terrible. I slept off for the first twenty minutes because I didn't know what to write. When I eventually woke up. It started coming back to me slowly. The worst part was that I forgot my 4-figure table inside my bag and they didn't let us borrow anything in the exam hall." He explained

"Awwn. Sorry to hear that. Anyway, why did you want to see me?"

He looked down at the floor and I could tell he was shy. I smiled knowing that I hadn't seen this side of him before. It was kind of cute.

"Debo,what's wrong? " I asked

" I really don't know how to tell you this"

"Debo, you know you can tell me anything. "

Okay,the thing is...... I really don't know how to say this but....."

"But what?"

"Something happened during the holidays. "


"Akin and Gabriella broke up "

"What? She didn't tell me anything "

"Yeah because she didn't want you to know "

"Okay,is that all?"

"Actually no. The truth is.......Gabriella and I are dating. " he blurted out.

And he called me out here to tell me this?

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. I was really shocked.

My bestfriend?

My ex-boyfriend?

How come nobody told me?

Hey guys, I finally finished my exams so here is another chapter.

I have a question for you guys:If you were Adesua what would you do?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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