The Funeral

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Denki POV 

I wake up and Garfield is laying next to me. Today is Labor day so no school,  and................that day. I get up and put my suit on. I should text Shinsou to make sure he is awake.

Pikachu: You awake?

Purple Cat: Yeah, when is the funeral?

Pikachu: In one hour.

Purple cat: ok I'll get my suit on.

Pikachu: I'll be in the common room.

I pet my cat Garfield goodbye and go to the common room. I see Kiri crying on Bakugou's shoulder. "Hey Kaminari" oh wow, he called me by my actual name. "H-hey Bakugou" "Can I ask you something?" "Um sure, what is it?" "Has that purple-haired fucker hurt you?" "If so I will blow his fucking face off" "No he hasn't." "How am I supposed to believe?" "I mean you can check my neck, arms, and legs" well he does just that "Alright I believe you now." "Maybe I can trust him a little more now" "ok" I hear Shinsou's door open. He comes into the common room. "So, are we ready?" "yeah, I guess..." 

        We walk to the funeral home and I see tons of people. Most people there are cousins, nephews, my grandparents, and my friends and I. I barely know my family so, my social anxiety kicks in. My Grandma walks up to me and hugs me "Hi Denki, are these your friends?" "I remember Kirishima, not the other two guys." "Well me introduce you to them." "This is Hitoshi Shinsou, Shinsou meet my grandma" "Nice to meet you" "Nice to meet you too Shinsou" "This is Katsuki Bakugou, Bakugou meet my Grandma" "Nice to meet you" "Nice to meet you too" "Ok Grandma, we are going to sit somewhere." "Ok, bye!" "Bye!" we go sit somewhere, and Shinsou starts talking to me "Hey Kami, I can tell she is a sweet lady" "She is!" "She makes the best jerkey ever!" "I thought grandmas mostly made cookies?" "Nope, not mine!" "I know this is a out of nowhere but does your family know your gay, except your dad?" "No." "Why?" "I'm scared about it" "Kami, don't be scared from admitting your gay." "yeah but I don't have 2 dads" "well I mean, you aren't wrong there" "I think I should see my mom's b-body" "ok I'll be right behind you" we get up and walk to my mom's casket with her body inside I breakdown immediately seeing her. Her face doesn't even look the same....her face is more pale and half of her lip is red.....Shinsou gets me up then hugs me and I don't let go. "I-is that even her Shinsou?!" "I hope it isn't Kaminari" "Let's just go sit down again ok?" "ok" we go sit back down with Kirishima and Bakugo "Bakugo and I are going to go up and see her." "O-ok but prepare yourself" "oH um ok" he walks up and then immediately starts crying and hugs Bakugou. Bakugou hugs back. They walk back here. "I-I wasn't expecting that" "I wasn't either bro" I look up at the time "Looks like it is time for the actual funeral" we get up and go up to one of the front seats. "We are here to honor the life of Cai West" "Cai was a mother, daughter, wife, and cousin." "She had tons of energy every second of the day" "So, it was tragic to hear she had passed" "She would love going out and exploring." "Carrying on her legacy here right now is her only child, Denki Kaminari" "Denki, would you like to say anything right now?" "N-no." "Ok, that's fine" "So, lets go onto the gravesite service." I help carry the casket to the car and since we walked there I asked my grandma for a ride since it was raining. "How are we supposed to fit in all of this?" "There are a couple seats in the back I can put up, do you want me to?" "uh sure" she goes to the trunk and lifts them up. Shinsou and I sit in the way back while Bakugou and Kirishima sit in the back. 

timeskip to the gravesite service

we arrive and holy crap everyone in class 1-A is here. Even ALL MIGHT AND MR.AIZAWA?! what?! "Hey Denki do you know who those people are?" "All I know is All Might and Eraserhead" "Those are my classmates" "Oh ok!" "How kind of it is them to come here!" "Right Denki?" "Yeah" I get out of the car and Mina and Sero hug me. I hug them back. "I need to help them carry the casket so I'll be right back" "ok" I go and help them carrying the casket, crying though. we go and lay it down after awhile standing in the rain being soaked bc they didn't bring a place for everyone to stand under, we start saying prayers "Our father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen." "St. Michael, the Archangel. Defend us in battle, Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host. By the Divine Power of God, thrust into Hell, Satan and all of the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin souls. Amen." we now leave because everyone is soaked.

 I head back to my dorm with everything soaked so pretty much my hair is in my eyes. I go to my room and change to regular clothes. I have a text from the groupchat

                                                  The Bakusquad groupchat

Pink Alien: We got the movie room tonight. What movie should we watch?

Bakuhoe: I say we watch Final Destination 1

Pikachu: I'd be down to watch that. I have seen every other one except that one

Spooderman: I loved that movie!

Pink Alien: I guess it is final (destination)


I go to Shinsou's dorm and knock on his door he opens it "Hey Shinsou, we are watching Final Destination 1 tonight." "Do you want to watch it with us?" "Sure" "ok"

timeskip to the movie time

3rd Person POV 

They start up the movie and 30 minutes into the movie something happens to Denki. "Wait guys, stop the movie!" "Somethings happening to Kaminari" Bakugou yells "HE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!" "SOMEONE GET MR.AIZAWA AND CALL 911!" Mina says "I'LL GET MR.AIZAWA" Mina rushes out of the room. Sero says "I call 911!" Sero goes out of the room to call the police "COME ON KAMI PLEASE STAY WITH ME" Sero comes into the room and says "the police are on their way" Mr. Aizawa comes in and says "What is happening here?!" "Kaminari is having a panic attack!" "Are the police called?" "yeah" "ok"  

5 minutes later

the police have arrived and they take Denki to the Hospital. Shinsou can't come for some reason but they told him he can come tomorrow. Shinsou has Garfield for the night, Kiri is crying his eyes out, Bakugou is with Kirishima, and Sero and Mina are panicking. Everyone in 1-A goes to sleep worrying if Denki died....


1234 words| Did I pull on your heart strings? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!

Edit: This me from the future, WOAHHH! Futureeeee! Anyway, the reason why I wrote this is because when I look back on this book, my biggest mistake and one I wish I didn't write about is the Panic Attack. I really wish I didn't write about it. Now, I could remove it because it's really trash and I hate it alot, but it's part of a story that is already written in story. Pretend some major author writing something in a massive book read by millions which is cannon within multiple books in a series then years later in an interview about, say it's not cannon. That's how I think about it. Anyway that is what I had to say. Also about that other chapter where it focuses on the Panic Attack, I wish I could delete it. Its like what I just typed. Like making a full chapter about the thing they hated then years later saying that chapter wasn't cannon in the series of books. Ok, I'm done now, enjoy the rest of your day. Bye!

Pikachu and a Cat | ShinKami  fan ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang