Part 7

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Denki POV (this is a continuation from that filler chapter)

We arrive at the dorms and I just get this weird feeling someone is stalking us. "Hey Shinsou, can I tell you something?" "Sure what is it Kami." "When we walked into here I just got this feeling someone is stalking us." "Maybe your just feeling the effects." "Maybe, but I'm being serious." "Well, now that I think of it, maybe you aren't just feeling the effects. Maybe some is stalking us." "I hope not, lets just calm down. Maybe play video games or something?" "Sure, lets play some video games. I haven't played some in a while." We go to my dorm to play some Minecraft. I've been doing so good and I'm so close to beating that dang dragon but I need to find the stronghold. We load up Minecraft and it is a little weird playing on split screen. We got the hang of it though. 

3rd person POV

"Kami, so how am I going to get some stuff?" "Oh, look inside of that chest right there. Use the iron, not the diamonds." "Ok" *crafts iron armor and weapons* *puts the iron back in the chest* "Now since we have 2 people and not one, we should go mining!" "Ok Minecraft expert." "Hey, I prefer the name Minecraft pro not expert." "Ok "Minecraft pro", that is going to bite you in the back for that nickname." "How?" "I don't know, but I just have a feeling it is." "Ok, lets go mining." *30 minutes later* "Alright, I have 15 diamonds, 43 iron, 2 stacks of redstone, and a lot of cobblestone. What do you have?" "I have 10 obsidian, 9 diamonds, and 24 iron." "Alright we should be ready t-" "KAMI LOOK OUT!" "AH!" *survives the creeper explosion but get blown into a pit of lava* "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY STUFF IS GONE! I FUCKING HATE CREERPERS! THEY CAN DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE!" Shinsou looks shooked because he hasn't heard him cuss before. They hear a knock on the door so Denki opens to see Kiri and Bakugou "Hey Kaminari what is wrong?" "I got blown into lava by fucking creepers." "WELL DON'T BE SO FUCKING LOUD ABOUT IT!" "Oh, sorry." "It is fine Pikachu but the next time it happens I will blow you up so far you'll go across town." "O-ok bye now." *closes door* "So, uh you want to do something else?" "Lets check up on our cats." "PERFECT IDEA!" Denki shuts off his console and they go to Shinsou's dorm. 

      They open the door and they see the two cats cuddling. "awwww so cuteeeeeeee" Denki looks around because he has that feeling again and this time he sees a purple haired girl hiding behind the outside wall and she waves to him and then runs off "Hey, I think we are being stalked. I think I'm 100% sure this time." "Why?" "I saw a purple haired girl behind the front entrance wall." "I think your imagining things at this point Kami." "I'm being honest, she waved at me and looks like someone I know." "Alright, that more sounds like a yandere than a stalker." "Should we go se-" "No." "Why?" "Yanderes are dangerous, they will do anything to get who they love." "Oh." "So maybe you have a yandere on your hands." "Crap." "What should we do." "I don't know, I never dealt with one." "Well crap we are screwed." "Yeah "I'm going outside to see." *Shinsou grabs Denki's arm* "You aren't going alone Denki. I'm coming to." "Fine." 

     *They walk outside as soon as it starts raining* "Well, now we are going to get soaked again." "It is fine." "We should look at the back of the building." "Ok" *They walk to the back of the building* "Denki I see someone, they have purple hair." "Wait, that is J-


646 words | HAHA I LEFT YOU ON A CLIFFHANGER! Make your predictions down below on who it is. Ok, Bye!

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