entry # 1

35 1 2

Am I useless? I don't know if I am good enough, I'm not and I suck at dance and I'm not that smart, im acshuly fairly stupid so yeay hhuummmm. My mum dousent like enny of my ideas. Unless it's something stupid like doing a kids search and fined on the couch.
I doint know. Idk idk IDK

So the other day I thought it might be fun to go and visit Florida over February break (in the school system I'm in we have the last week and till the falling Tuesday so I have a week and a half) and my dad is fine with me planing so like that as long as I know it probly won't work but I feel like my mum hates the idea, i mean like let me dream, I can use that for motivation like to get a job and get good grades.


I just finished helping my friend pick out there look for tomorrow👘👠💄💅 (hes going to a pride parade 🌈🌈) yeeeee 😛😁😁 but it stinks that I'm sick and can't go with, I so would if I could😫😖😵😭😷🤧

Thank you dad for making desert that I can smell, it smells amazing!!! 🍰

I hate being sick 😪😷😷👷💊💉 right now it's all sinuses 👃🤧meaning breathing is a difficulty. I doint like taking medicines but it's worce if I dont.

Puw Puw (finger guns)

Should I finally get around to doing by bio (self description thingy)???

I should probly go to bed soon seeing how I'm sick. LOL

Fun chatty time yo yo yeet IEEE ,
I really need to stop oi
Mayby go to bed

I am questioning my but for the poop I just had (this is probably in TMI taritory)

What dous a sexy potato look like? 🥔👙💄👠

I still have to redo the cover for Hidden In Testing, lol I'm procrastinating.

Thoughts froum

random thoughts froum Athnes32Where stories live. Discover now