10 forms of storytelling (more english stuffs)

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Breathing life into a story
Telling a why the movements sing whilst being mute
Throwing there soles to physically tell a tail

Words sung,
Words blocking out the waltz’
Stores stopping the for the Cordes
The masters being hidden in the dark

Whispers through time
For time to change
Storys for generations
Generations will change

Written down in past times
Placing memories in a line
Actions marked for the story form

Looking at a screen so far away
This is someone else dream
Lines of lines in someone else mind
Storys to be seen throw all eyes
Forcing you to see what someone else sees

On and on it drags its self out
for many attempts to end, all unsuccessful
The conclusion always just a breath in the story,
for it will continue soon sooner or later

Jibberish leading the way around
nonsensical and improper proper jumping around
Like youth is a story and Alice is to

Lines of thoughts never to be shared, longing to be shared
Secret plans to tell someone
Laking the victim for the story to be told.

Short and quick, short and quick
For the lover's words, you pick
Listening to the warning toll’
The stories end may be sooner than known

For the end my dear I keep thee in mind,
Love, this is, this may not be a story, but for you my dear it is a tail of truth.
And as stated before, this should not be the end,
but a start a new

random thoughts froum Athnes32Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora