@aaaaaa i cantjsbfj

10 1 0

I hate cleening and I hate that my grandfather is coming to live with us

I hate him I doint want to do this and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Also I have no friends here so I'm being forced it help with no escape

I didn't even ask for him to appear in the first place

I feel like cering up and pretending to choke myself
Walst crying

I got to go on arena instead of cleening, I got a small stack of espresso cups (I doint dring coffee)

I was sent to the thrift shop to drop off some things and on my way back on went to combes (a decent glass stashon) and picked up some Halloween themed candy (pumpkin shaped chocolate) a soda for my mom and a TEA for me and on my way back home I saw this yard sail and so wen O got home I convinced my mom to go there with me (I needed to move the car ennywas) so the tow of us went and I got cute cups (I night add a photo latter)

Ok so it didn't take long it get his stuffs into the house

I felt groce so I took a shower

I want a nap

random thoughts froum Athnes32Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora