entry #6 (old form,i had this pre written)

10 5 1

I was calm this morning, now not so much.i have beem panicky sence i got here,school. One i was slightly off froum yesterday. Yesterday i told two of my freands about me and the one reacted with a ‘that took forever for you to relize’ but ontope of that one of the two of the for did not sow up to school westerday that freeked ne out and so now were in to today and im a slight mess

It has been a bit like 20 minutes and he showed up that is a releafe but i still fell a bit tence but i doint feel like i am phicicly shinking. Ok i do like him i omit it, its theresday and i have thout about him alou t all week and i doint know but hes a grate person and i care about him. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Why are feelings so confusing?
I need to right more acshel storys.

Thought froum

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