"Open Da Door, Man!"

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Chapter 3: "Open Da Door, Man!"

To be perfectly honest, when Pest and Talia had started dating a few years ago, he'd sat her down and they'd had a serious talk. Pest had informed her about how dangerous it could be hanging around wannabe gangsters, even more so for the girlfriends of said wannabe gangsters. Pest had told her a list of things that being involved with him could eventually lead to...

Being chased around the block by big gorilla-looking aliens, whilst simultaneously being chased by a trigger-happy gangster, was not on that list of possible scenarios.


The only sounds in the hallway were the heavy breathing of the gang, and the horrific screeching noises that belonged to the aliens.  Added to those sounds were the soft shuffling noise of their coats, and their quiet footsteps. Each person walking down the hall was trying their best to be fast and silent. The ones without a weapon were holding tightly on to the back of the jackets of those who were armed. It was hard to see anything in the smokey mess that was the hallway of floor 19.

Jerome's voice rang out, sounding very annoyed, "Get the fuck off me man!"

Brewis apologised, "Sorry, sorry." He was silent, before he suddenly cried out words that froze Jerome's heart, "There's one behind us!" Brewis took off running past Jerome, the plastic bag he had dangling on his shoulder shaking as he did so.

Scared, Jerome raised his weapon high in the air, ready for an attack. He was trying to fight off the fear building within him.

"Jerome where're you?"

Another cry came, this time from Talia. Her accent was distinct, "Jerome!"

Moses called out as well, "Where you at man?"

Out of nowhere, Jerome was knocked on his arse. His sword went flying across the floor, landing somewhere unknown. Quickly, he scrambled onto his hands and knees, "I can't see shit man!" The hallway was a kill-box. He crawled over to a doorway close to him. "Pest! Moses!" Jerome searched for his friends in the mist... he was sideswiped, body going sideways.

Pest whipped out his bat at the noise. Trying to protect her, he found himself pushing Talia behind him, desperate to keep her from harm. The hat-wearing teen screamed out for his friend, insanely worried about him, "Jerome!?" Pest turned in the direction he last knew the glasses-wearing teen to be, then called out for Moses. "Moses, lights man!"

"I'm tryna find 'em!" Moses snapped back to him, frantically feeling up the walls in his search for the hallway's light switch.

Talia abandoned Pest's side for a split-second, and launched herself at the wall she'd just walked passed. Said wall looked like it housed the switch for the lights in that hall. "Got it!" She exclaimed as her fingers swiftly snapped the lights on, illuminating the still slightly smokey corridor.

"I'm going back man!" Pest told them, not for one second hesitating. The young man was left gasping when he accidentally put too much pressure on his injured leg, straining it. Despite this, he marched on. "Stay by the lights, Talia!" His eyes frantically searched the hall for his mate, "Jerome?" Pest hobbled forward a few more steps, his eyes sharp as they scanned the hall for Jerome.

There was a growling sound to the left of him. Without thinking, Pest swung the metal bat down hard. It clipped the head of the alien whose jaws were tight around Jerome's middle. Jerome cried out as the alien sunk its neon blue teeth further into his side.

Unfortunately, the alien was aggressive and so, Pest had no choice but to bring his bat down on the aliens again. He repeated the motion several times, trying to ignore how much it was hurting his friend in the process.

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