"Easy-Peasy, Lemon-Squeezy"

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Chapter 4: "Easy-Peasy, Lemon-Squeezy"

They'd been in the weed-room for three whole minutes. Three. In that time, the only noises to be heard from outside the room was those emitting from the aliens - their gross breathing noises and their soft screeching. Other than that, the group's heavy breathing was the only thing louder than the screeching of the beasts.

Those were the only noises, as the group sat in silence for a while, harrowed by the events of the night. They were sat in various places amongst the weed plants.

The original alien; the first one to be seen, and then swiftly killed, was placed in one of the larger plants, behind the oldest male, Brewis.

Some movement came from Sam, Pest and Jerome. Sam, being a nurse, was assessing and then redressing the wounds on Pest's legs. When she was done with the hat-clad boy, she moved on to doing what she could for Jerome's side.

Next to Pest, Talia was trying to slowly morph into Pest's side, judging by how close she'd gotten to him. Usually, she was the strong one in their relationship. This was known to everyone, they could tell by looking at the two when they were together. But this event - this invasion - had already drastically changed everyone involved. Pest was, for once, taking charge of the situation, and subsequently trying to take good care of his girlfriend.

Silence was broken by Moses. "Wish I'd never chased after dat 'fing." Moses muttered to himself, "Wish we never murked you. Wish I never took dat white off Hi-Hatz." His self-hatred was palpable. "Should have just gone home and played FIFA, like Biggz said."

Aside from Moses weird moment, Pest seems to be acting fairly normal. "Anyone got skins?" Of course, Pest was looking for another high. He looked around the room, but no-one raised their head nor their hand, signifying they hadn't any.

Nurse Samantha looked at him with irritation clear on her face, "No."

Talia laughed, for what felt like the first time in twenty years, but she kept her eyes shut. She was too tired to move at the moment. "Bare weed and no skins... Pest's worst nightmare." She giggled when he nudged her.

Moses, completely ignoring the conversation change, spoke to Sam. "We never knew you lived on the block. If we knew..."

When he trailed off, a half-awake Jerome piped up, his smile a grim one. "If you didn't live here, we never would have stepped you."

Sam scoffed, her gaze on the groups ring leader never wavering. "So if I didn't live here? Would you have mugged me?" She looked towards him intently, her eyes filled with confusion and anger, "Is that how it works!" It wasn't a question, but rather a statement.

Secretly, Talia agreed with her - the good morals she was raised with reared their ugly head.

"Boy, you's tetchy. He's tryna apologise to you, man!" Pest lifted his head from where it had been resting on Talia's, defending his brother.

Moses shook his head, a faint smile on his face from watching Pest back him. He stood up deciding that he needed five minutes to himself.

It was Jerome who broke the silence that had begun again, "You're quite fit, you know." Pest nodded his agreement.

That alone made Talia chuckle again. Her eyes continued to stay closed, her exhaustion proof that all of adrenaline had been wiped from her body.

"You got a boyfriend?" Pest inquired. He dragged his famous woollen hat from the top of his head, revealing his brown, curly hair. Automatically, Talia was drawn to his curls. Her fingers were running through them his hair without her even thinking about it first; muscle memory.

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