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I woke up as I felt the light against my closed eyelids  spreading across the room.

I slowly sat up looking at my surroundings "..Isaac?" I scanned the room not finding anyone nor anything that's caught my interest.

I remove the blanket off of my body to move my sore legs.

"Your highness, how was your sleep?" Isaac entered while holding a tray with a cup and a small folded sheet of paper on its side.

"My legs.." I looked at them hesitating then lightly shook my head 'it's probably not that serious.'

Isaac silently and politely offered me the warm teacup , I reached for it , closing my eyes as its warmth spread around my palms.

Isaac stepped away with a satisfied look on his face.

'This tea tastes oddly sweet..Probably just too much sugar.' while becoming  more aware of what's happening , I squirmed around in a feeling of discomfort and stickiness "Isaac, Luv wishes to take a bath.".

Isaac bowed "Yes , Your highness." He took the teacup and Placed it back on the tray.

Picking it up he headed towards the door and slid it open giving the tray to the already waiting maidservants.

'Odd , I don't usually get sweaty in my sleep...did I have a nightmare?'

"..." 'hold on.'

this feeling..' I slowly lifted the blanket then quickly let go.

'Pathetic.' I mentally facepalmed and buried my blushing in embarrassment face against the pillow.

"Your highness?" Isaac interrupted in the tiniest bit of a curious tone.

"L-Luv doesn't want to take a bath anymore." I said 'ahahah.'

Isaac paused for a few seconds "Your highness , now , now , it wouldn't take long , up we Go."

"n- w-wait—!" He gently lifted me off of the bed.

pausing midway leaving me dangling in the air "oh." his eyes seemed to have already scanned the situation "heavens."


I pulled on Isaac's hair 'impudent.'

"It's alright Your highness, It's completely normal for a healthy grown up Boy for this to happen." He cleared his throat.

"Let's teach You how to take care of it , shall we?"

'NO. How am I supposed to answer that question."

"No." I said lightly glaring at him with a blank gaze.

He stared at me with his dark poker face.

Time skip ————>

Crying mentally I slowly grabbed the chopsticks and started eating the food 'it's been quite a long time since I've used chopsticks.'

Accidentally dropping the food between my chopsticks I blankly stared at it as it fell down on the floor. "Uh."

Isaac cleaned it and tugged a handkerchief into my kimono's collar "shall I help His highness eat?" He said with his usual  insincere smile.

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