Thriller/Horror ~ 1

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Scenario 1: A young female writer, around the age of 20, lives alone in a house far from the city (when you see this in a horror story you know she's gonna have a tough time lol). She's at her desk every night, writing philosophical stories for her readers on a writing website but she struggles to be successful in a world where action and fiction take over the rest. One night, she stumbles upon an ad on her computer which proposes her to win free readers using a simple hack. She clicks on the link, as if hypnotised, but then quickly changes her mind.
Shortly after, she encounters a period of great success; her stories get hundreds of thousands of views, and all comments on her stories are positive. The female doesn't understand where this success comes from, until....
One night, she spots a man, in the forest outside her house. He doesn't move... he just watches her, through her window. She quickly closes the window and calls the police, but no one answers. She won't sleep that night.
The next night, the man is still there, but.. a woman has joined him. She does exactly the same thing, just... watching.
Every night, a new person comes, and stands in the forest. The women's too afraid to leave her house, and no one on her phone answers. It's like her phone lines were... broken.
She starts to see new comments on her stories, very peculiar ones: "I'm watching you..." they multiply in her books, at the same rate as the people outside her house. She calls them the "watchers". And she starts getting used to it. Until the watchers start appearing closer and closer to her house...
To be continued by... you!

So, how do you like my first scenario? I'll publish new parts one by one - different genres this time. But don't worry, there'll be more Thriller scenarios too! If you liked it don't forget to vote;)

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