General ~ 1 & 2

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Scenario 1: A class of 15-16 year-old students go on a school trip to a research facility in Nevada. It's a regular day, and all seems to go as planned.

Until one of the two teachers leading the group proposes anyone who wants to come with him to a special, secret area of the facility - but most of the class if just bored and wants to leave, so only three students accept to come [these three will, obviously, be your main characters]. The teacher leads them through multiple dark corridors into the area while the rest of the class waits outside. However, very quickly the improvised adventure gets out of hand, and one of the three teenagers spills a vial containing a highly dangerous fluid, still in testing, and whose effects on humans are unknown...

The rest is up to you!

Scenario 2: Two lovers [note that these two can be one female, one male or two males/females, or, like, a male and a giraffe, it's up to your imagination, but in this scenario I'm gonna refer to them as A and B for the sake of simplicity], about 25 years old, go on a date near a lake. The picnic, romantic music and conveniently deserted area gather perfect conditions: lover A has planned the perfect proposal. He has hidden a diamond ring in the chocolate cake dessert (I know, right? So cliché...) and gets ready to get on one knee as the end of the meal arrives. 

But as lover B start eating the dessert, something VERY unexpected happens...

Again, you invent the rest! Get your grey cells heatin' ;)

PS: Yes, grey is spelled with an "e". Take that, you americans!


Note: As you can see, these scenarios are more free, and I've only included the start of the story. This special "General" category is designed to make you use your imagination - you can make the rest of the story dramatic, horrorful, or even turn it into comedy! More of these will come soon. Don't forget to subscribe to be notified when a new chapter arrives :)

Published on September the 21st, 2019

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