Fantasy ~ 1

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Scenario 1: A teenage girl/boy lives in a mystical kingdom on a faraway earth whose society is divided into seven tribes constantly at war with each other to gain territory. Every human living in the said kingdom has to be part of a tribe, and the boy/girl (who will turn 16 in a week) lives in the Central Land, where his tribe (a peaceful one who does not wage war) lives, in an environment composed of neverending meadows. The planet is divided into ten very different biomes, which each are the land of one tribe:

 - the said meadowed biome, whose peaceful climate seems to make it the best place to live

 - the volcanic biome, composed of massive volcanoes spouting neverending lava, and where the most aggressive tribe lives

 - the cave biome, where every member lives inside a massive mountain littered with dark tunnels only the inhabitants know how to navigate in

 - the ocean biome, whose population seems to have sprouted gills and live in a massive underwater palace

 - the desert biome, whose tribe does not have a home and constantly navigates through the scorching dunes, sleeping in a different place every night and making them very hard to track

 - the jungle biome, where the gigantic canopy makes a great hiding place for its wild inhabitants, living in harmony with the flora and fauna surrounding them

 - the mountain biome, whose altitude is so high snow falls all year, and whose theoretical population remains hidden and unseen of to this day. No tribe has ever tried to conquer these unknown lands, afraid of what they might discover ...

So this teenager strives for peace, and wants to unite each tribe to live in everlasting peace and harmony, blah, blah, blah. And he has heard of a sacred papyrus, hidden in a part of the kingdom, that would reunite forever every tribe. Its origins and location are unknown, and the mythic artifact probably doesn't exist - but one night, the character gets a vision of the end of his world, caused by the war getting out of hand. He saw only chaos and destruction - and he decided to go after this device. He had no choice. So, accompanied by his/her best friend, they flee from their land and adventure into the unknown, and navigate in between the biomes, conquering dangerous lands and meeting different populations they'd never seen before...


Author's Note:

As you can see, this scenario is a bit longer than the others - with more detail. What I picture with this scenario would be a big book, maybe a series. And if it's well-written, I beleive this book could go far. Maybe I'd give it a shot and start copying my own scenario, when I've finished my current books. I'll keep you informed! See you around :)

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