Chapter 1

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Blossom's POV

"Ugh." I wake up to a huge banging in my head.

I look over to see some guy in my bed. I look down to see myself naked.

"You got to be kidding me" I mumbled as I got up and put my robe on. I must of gotten drunk last night.

Things have been hard since my partnered died. But hey life isn't perfect.

I walk to the kitchen and make me some coffee.

I hear footsteps. "I'm going to head out." I see the man that was once in my bed now in clothes leaving.

"Bye." He left.

I sighed in relief knowing he's gone. I drink my coffee and look at my phone. 35 miss calls? What time is it?

I look up, my eyes widened 10:30!


I rush out of the kitchen and race to my room to get ready.

I put on whatever I could find. I brush my teeth and put my hair up.

I looked in the mirror to see what I have on. It's okay.

I ran out of my house grabbing my keys and purse on the way.

Shit it's 11

I get into my car and zoom to work.

Once I'm there I run out of my car and reach the door only to pat down my clothes before walking in

"Where the hell were you!" I groaned as I turned around to see my boss.

"I'm sorry I slept in late." I said as I walked to my office only for him to follow me.

"That still doesn't explain why your 4 hours late!" I hated that when I did one thing wrong he was always up my back.

"It's none of your fucking business." I said as I say down and logged onto my computer.

"You work for me it's always my business!" I roll my eyes

"What do you want?" I ask looking at him leaning on my chair.

"We have a case that I need you to look at." He gives me a file.

I look at him then the file. I open the file and see a familiar face.

"Luis?" I said as this person was a big drug dealer.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's dead." My boss sat on the extra seat in front of me. "How?"

"Shot in the head." I looked back at the file reading everything.

"Why am I on this case? You know this would be the first time I'm on a case since you know who died." I said trying to give him back the file

"You know you are the best that's why I need you on it." He pushed me back the file

I took it and smiled slightly I need this. It would help me clear everything that I have been going through.

"Good luck on it it has everything you need." He left me with the file.

I sighed and opened it up again.

I'm not ready for this shit.

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