"Are You Alright?"

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Izuku's POV

I was walking along the streets with my black jacket on. I even had my hood up because I didn't want people to see the bruises on me.

I walk into my apartment complex and walk into the elevator.

As soon as I walk into the elevator, I saw this man that has half red half white hair. He also had a burn mark over his red side. He had a piercing blue eye, that could drive you away for miles away from him. He had a calm grey eyes as well. He was wearing a suit that was from a company her win town. I can't remember where, but I know that the company is huge.

"What floor?" The guy calmly asked me.

I had to get out of my head to answer.

"Floor 23" i answered, staying as polite as he was.

"We have the same floor then." He said when he pressed the button.

As we waited for the elevator to reach our floor, I kept taking small glances at him.

He seemed, different. No one has been nice to me in so long. That it's nice.

I think he noticed that I kept staring at him from time to time and that freaked him out so he started talking to me.

"What's your name?"

"Izuku Midoriya. How about you?"

"I'm Shoto Todoroki"

"Oh! Your that guy who runs a whole company by yourself, right?"

He frowns and agrees. "Yeah. That's me."

I look at him as he frowns and looks away from me. I feel bad now. I didn't mean to upset him.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to upset you. I just didn't remember where I saw you from..." I said being truthful.

He looks back up into my dark green eyes and smiles.

"It's alright."

The elevator finally reached out floor and we both got off. I reached into my pocket and my whole arm shaking, I out the key into the lock and turned the knob.

What I saw was horrible!

It was my boyfriend, with a guy he met at work. And the worse part is.. that he's one of my best friends.

"....wow.." I simply said.

They both seemed shaken that I was in the room.

Bakugo kept on touching Kirishima impropriety.

"What the hell do you want Deku?" He said, flipping me off, but it's failing horribly.

He calls me that everyday, so no reason to get mad over it when you find out your boyfriend is cheating on you.

I just pulled my hands from the sides of me and pulled down my hoodie, stared blankly into his eyes and just said two simple words.

"Get Out."

He looked pissed off. To be honest, I didn't care if he wanted to kill me. He's hurt me in the past, what's so different here..?

On yeah. I know. He's cheating on me with his damn co-worker at my new friends company.

He walked over to me and punched me in the face, making me loose my balance, and fall into my ass.

"You piece of shit. Your nothing without me! I made you!" He yelled.

"No the fuck you didn't! You hurt me! You made fun of my mom for dying because someone murdered her! You make bruises every fucking day on me! Why the hell do you think I can't go out all that much without a damn hood on! Get the fuck out of my house! NOW!" I screamed.

I didn't want him in here any more. I wanted him fine. Out of my fucking life. I wanted to feel safe. But I know I never will.

Shoto's POV

As I walked out of the elevator and walked to my door, I heard someone fall to the ground.

I didn't think much of it because these floor are slippery. But then I heard screaming. So, for some reason, I took my phone out of my pocket, and started to record the audio.

{ Few Hours Later Still Shoto's POV }

As I drove on the road, going tot he police station with the audio I recorded, I saw someone limping on the side of the road.

I then pulled over to the side and got out o the car to get a better look.

Then the guy fell onto his knees. I saw what looked like blood come his head.

I ran to him and slid on my knees to help him up.

"..tha...nk.. yo..u.." he said weakly.

I pick him up bride style and run to the nearest hospital.

"He's so light.... That's not good.." o think as I run into he hospital and up tot he counter.

"Could I please get some help?!" I say panicked.

"Oh dear! Someone get a stretcher! We have someone who's bleeding out of control!" The nurse yell as doctors started to pull him from my iron grip and put him on the stretcher.

After they pulled him into a spare room, one of the nurses came out from the room and started asking me questions.

"Do you know what happened?"


"Alright.." she then wrote something down on her clipbored.

"Do you know who he is?" She asked looking me in the eyes.

"I do. He's my neighbor. He lives in apartment A-7."

She wrote something else on her clipbored, while biting her lip and taking glances at me.

"What apartment building is it?"

"Ah. It's apartment building (Please insert a apartment building name. Cuz I can't think of any 😂)

The nurse then went to the desk snd talked to some people, while placing down the clipbored and writing something down on a new sheet of paper.

She then walked back over to me and handed me the paper.

"Call mr sometime hot stuff." She said while unbuttoning a button and biting her lip while looking straight into my eyes.

I tried to politely decline, but she kept on trying to seduce me.

I finally had enough of this when she wouldn't tell be if Izuku was alright or not. So I pushed her off of me and went to find the doctor.

I walked into eh room and say Izuku with bruises all over his arms, face, neck, legs..

I also saw that Izuku had a lot of stitches on him. Mostly his face though.

I stayed with him that night.

And the next night..

And the next..

{ Few months later }

I was finally aloud to see Izuku again! They put Bakugo to prison for eight years for abusing Izuku.

Once I reached his hospital room, I saw that he wasn't on the bed. And I started to freak out.

So I looked all over for him but before I was about to ask the doctor if he had seen Izuku, I saw a shadow figure on the porch that's built in.

So I walked out there and saw Izuku.

He was standing up, arms leaning against the fence post, looking up at the sky, his dark curly green hair shining in the morning sun..

"God he really is an angel." I thought. But before I said anything else to him. The first words out of my mouth were.

"Are you alright?"

{ Part 2? Tell me in the comments! }

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