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Amy's pov

Everything hurt, I pulled the blanket over my face.

"Take your time, everything is okay." Mark said softly.

"Why do I hurt?" I peeked out of the blanket, his eyes were bloodshot.

"That knife has poison in it."


"Very." He chuckled.

"Lay with me."

"I want to so bad, but Flynn made it to where I can't leave the chair without help."

I pulled the blanket all the off of my face.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he wants to make sure I am not on my legs, he wants them to actually heal."

"When will my side stop hurting?"

"In a few hours. You woke up fast."

I sat up feeling the world spinning.

"Whoa." I closed my eyes.

"Easy baby, the medicine will make you feel funny." His voice is so soothing.

I slowly got out of bed and sat on his lap, I curled up on him pulling the blanket over us.

"You didn't fail me." I said.

"I let you get hurt."

"No, I let myself get hurt. I knew that if you saw I was injured you would go ape shit and kill the fucker. I just didn't know it was poison in the bottom of the knife."

"Please don't do that again, if I didn't leave Blane when I did. You would have died." He played with my hair.

"Bryan called Flynn, I heard him."

He kissed the top of my head.

"Amy, my princess. I know this is not how I pictured doing this, but I need to do it. When your dad took you, I was pissed. I wanted to rip his heart out with my bare hands. But when these people took you. I broke down. I was crying every night. I was praying that I could go back in time and turn around. I was afraid that I lost you. I can't lose you."

"You are not getting rid of me that easy." I laughed.

"I never want to get rid of you, Amy Nelson. Would you do me the complete honor of being my wife?" I looked up at him and he had a ring box in his hand.

"Mark?" My mouth hit the floor.

He opened the box showing a black and white diamond ring.

"Of course, you silly." I pulled him in for a rough kiss.

When we pulled away, he slid the ring on my finger.

"This is my grandmother's ring. She gave it to me on her death bed to give it to my soul mate."

"Its beautiful."

"A beautiful ring for a beautiful woman." He kissed the top of my head.

I snuggled into him as he pulled the blanket over me.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too, my princess."

He played with my hair making me fall asleep.

"I haven't seen this ring box in such a long time." Carl said.

I opened my eyes seeing him holding the ring box.

"Nana would be so happy." Mark said.

"Oh, she would approve in a heartbeat. Now the question is are you two following tradition?"

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