Chapter 1

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"We're having a baby" I heard mother scream in excitement to father from the top of her lungs from the landing of the stairs. This was their first child. Their first biological child.

I was their 16 year old adopted child, they're the best parents I could ever ask for. They give me the world and anything I could ever wish for. They adopted in October of 2013 because they fell in love with my beautiful blue eyes and my personality so they say. They were looking for a child with manners and respect, I had that. They took me from the care home and gave me a new life.

I was born on November 27th of 2003. My biological mother and father told me it was really cold. They said to me I was a beautiful pink coloured child, and cried from the top of my lungs whenever I was hungry. I was their perfect blessing. This was before they left me alone at the age of ten thinking what did I do wrong.

It had snowed during the day; a beautiful white blanket covered the hospital roof as my biological mother and father took me home. The day that I went into care was a day that I will never forget. Mother and father could no longer cope and couldn't look after me anymore. I remember it like it was yesterday. They left me crying at the step of the care home not turning back to check if I was ok as if I didn't matter. I might've have been small and only ten years of age, but I remember every second of the traumatising moment, never to be forgotten.

It wasn't my fault, I knew that it wasn't my fault. What could a ten year old possibly do to make his parents want to get rid of him. It was them, they were the problem. I always told myself that it was okay that I should forgive my parents even if they didn't love me enough to keep me. Six years later and I still haven't seen them ever since they left.

This messed with my mind a lot growing up. I fell into a cycle of depression and anxiety after being taken into care. No one understood me and no one knew what I was going through. Isolated was the way I liked to be, until mother and father walked through those doors and took me home. My life had changed, my depression had calmed down and I had overcome my fears. Whenever I did relapse they were there for me. They understood more than anyone ever did. They were there for me like a family should be.

This was the first time in a very long time that we had something to be happy about, Mother and father were going to have their own little mini them running around the place in no time. They could already imagine it. A sibling for me, it might be an adopted sibling but any sibling is better than no sibling. I am going to be a big brother; after 6 years of living alone with mother and father there was going to be another human in the house. We're going to get on like a house on fire I just know it.

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