Chapter 3

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Aunt and uncle had left the house now; Josh was clearing up the table and throwing the rubbish in the bin. His loyal companion snow walked through his legs. It was josh's beautiful white cat with black spots. Or was he black with white covering it, we aren't really sure. He was the only thing he had that loves him as much as mother and father. He did everything with Josh; they were like two peas in a pod. They walked into the kitchen saying "goodnight" to mother and father. Josh was exhausted and wanted to get an early night. "Good night darling" mother and father both said in a quiet voice. Seems like everyone was tired tonight.

As Josh walked up the stairs, snow following behind he got a text message. It was from his cousin congratulating him on the news. He also began to say strange things like "I'm so jealous of you" and "i don't want to be here anymore". Josh knew something was wrong as he ran back down the stairs to mother, He screamed to mum "I'll be back" and darted for the car, throwing everything in the passenger seat and speeding off.

Josh pulled up too mikes house and saw that the door was already open. He pushed it a little more opening it too it's fullest and walked towards the stairs. The pictures along the stairs were all bent and broken. They were pictures of mike and josh growing up, they've been friends for almost 10 years.

Mike had suffered from substance abuse and he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He was about 10 years older than josh. Josh was the only one that understood. He felt the same pain Mike felt. He got to his bedroom and saw words carved into the door "you won't get me" he could see Mike sitting on the edge of his roof, he looked scared. Going out onto the roof seemed like the only escape from the voices inside.

"Mike, come away from the edge" Josh said in a quiet voice. He didn't want Mike to make a rash decision and end up even more hurt. Josh could understand the pain, he knew Mike was broken and in pain. He doesn't understand why he felt the way he felt. He thought the only way to escape the sounds and voices was drugs. That's what led to his overdose last year. Jake and his family made it clear to Mike that it is alright to be broken and that they were there for him.

Mike didn't have any family. his mother and father lived 2 hours away, they were working on their relationship. They didn't think about Mikes feelings only their own. They were selfish, Josh and his family cared. Mike shuffled back towards josh and fell into his arms bursting into tears. "i cant do it josh", he sobbed "the voices, theyre back".

Josh was taught how to help mike. He focused on the strengths mike had and spoke about things he enjoyed. Mike was at a low point, he didn't want to be here anymore. Josh pulled him back into the house and sat him on the bed, checking the toilet cabinet to see if mike had taken his medication. He didn't want to make mike feel weaker than he was so he didn't ask. He had authority to check through his stuff.mike gave him permission from when he was in a good state of mind. Josh turned around with a packet of tablets in his hand. He hadn't been taking his medication for a day or two. Josh sat next to mike and said "mate, i think you should come stay with me for a while, just till youre feeling a tad bit better".

Mike sat anxiously on the bed tugging as his sleeves almost as if he was trying to hide something. Josh noticed this and it was slightly alarming. He checked the room for any sharp pieces, he found a piece of glass on the floor half covered in blood. Mike had hurt himself. Thats what he was hiding. He was scared of being judged, the voices told him to do it.
Josh knew it wasn't mikes fault. He wasn't to blame.

"mike" he said. "let me see your arms". Mike willing pulled up his right sleeve and there was a huge cut with blood driping from it. Josh ran for a first aid kit,he needed bandages to cover the wound up. He grabbed mikes arm covered it up, threw a jacket over his shoulders and guided him down the stairs. "we need to get you some help, youre going to be okay" Josh made sure mike knew it wasn't his fault.

They sat in the car strapped their belts on. Mike was wearing a full black outfit, and so was josh. It began to rain as they rushed to the nearest accident and emergency centre. They needed to get to the mental health clinic.

They arrived at the clinic, Josh helped mike out of the car and his phone flooded with messages from his parents. They walked in and checked into the clinic, as he sat mike down he walked too the side keeping eyes on mike ringing his mother. She frantically asked josh where he was and what had happened. " take care of yourself son, take care of mike" she said as she hung up.

Josh came and sat down with a cup of fresh green tea, one of the doctors offered it for mike to try and calm his nerves. He hated the taste of green tea, but it helped him when he needed it. The nurse took his blood pressure and rewrapped his wound to prevent an infection build up. They had to admit mike just incase he decided to do something else. Josh was there for mike, mike appreciated the help. Not many people cared for the mentally ill, no one cared at all. after his admission they stitched up his wound and kept him on survaliance, he needed to be watched. Josh rang his mother and told her he'll be back in the morning. It was going too be a very long night.

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