Chapter 4

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Josh was in the patient waiting area as no one was allowed to be in the ward unless they were admitted. He put his jacket in his lap and crossed his leg. Took out his phone and began to scroll through his messages. He began to realise he didn't have anyone like himself; he didn't have anyone that cared like he cared for mike.

People walked past him throughout the whole night. Some with bandages on their heads, others with broken legs. Some alone and some with family. a whole bunch of people needed help; they were getting the help they needed. The nurses and doctors were there to help. They weren't judging they were just simply caring.

Josh doubted himself, he wanted to be there for mike. This has happened twice in one month. Josh wasn't thought he wasn't there enough. He helplessly chewed on the toothpick he kept in his mouth for when he got anxious. His head began to hurt with the thoughts continuously running through his head. His feet up on an empty chair trying too watch a wink of sleep as mike got up out of bed and walked up and down the corridors.He was keeping an eye on all the windows and nurses.

It was 10 past midnight, alarms blared from inside the mental health ward and nurses went rushing down the corridor. Josh got up and asked what had happened. Mike had jumped out of the window. Josh feeling shocked and confused ran after the nurses hoping to catch up to mike but couldn't seem to find him. He had escaped. He needed to be found, he needed help. Josh thought of one place mike would be, he would be on the roof back at his house. He had written a note for the nurse and left it on the bed.

He got ahead of the nurses and reached mikes house before them. He saw him right on the edge like he was before. This time the windows were smashed from the downstairs. After being clean for 1 year and 3 months he had taken drugs again. He had relapsed
There were needles on the floor and balls of cotton wool. "Mike" josh said "come here". Mike ignored him and began to walk on the edge of the roof. "Mike, move away from the edge" josh exclaimed. It had rained on the way home. Hair wet over his face, jeans and shirt ripped this wasn't good.

Josh stepped out of the window ever so slowly trying not to make any noise. He was leaning over for mike as he put his foot in the wrong place and slipped. He rolled down the roof and was on the floor. "Mike "josh screamed. The nurses ran from the corners, the address was on that paper he left. They called for an ambulance to take mike; he had cut his head open and had a possible broken leg. Josh made his way down the stairs in tears, not understanding what just happened. He took off his jacket and threw it over mikes body.
The rain wasn't helping the situation.

The ambulance arrived; you could hear the sirens and see the flashing lights down the streets as they pulled up. They wrapped mike up with blanket and put his head in a orange restraint. They wheeled him off on the stretcher as josh walked behind still in tears. He needed his mother, he needed comfort. This was traumatic and he didn't know how to deal with it. He got out his phone and texted his mother, the sun had risen. She was defiantly awake. What a night it has been. They were on the way to the hospital when the machines began to beep and make an alarming sound.

The driver put his foot down as the other paramedic hovered mike and began adjusting the wires attached to him. They were seconds away from the hospital as josh heard beeping sound. Mikes heart rate was unstable and was dropping fast. "What's going on" josh exclaimed. He was scared, shocked, and sad. He was confused and wanted help. He went to mike screaming his name continuously as a tear dropped from his eye.

The journey continued until they had reached the hospital. Two doctors came rushing out, pulling the stretcher with mike on it and josh right behind.
As they got into the hospital, running to the mental health ward they began adding another few wires to mike connecting to an oxygen mask, trying to get his heart rate too stay stable. A sharp sound came from mikes machine as they were turning the corner into the ward. He had flat lined.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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