Chapter 2

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What will he look like?

The thoughts ran through my mind, I hope he looks a little like me and I hope he shares the same hobbies. He will look just like mother, beautiful and maybe he might just look a little like father, minus his very big beard and moustache. Mother came down the stairs in her baby pink summer dress and a white cardigan with father who was wearing a pair of dark blue denim jeans and a white t shirt showing the words "I love life" across it. They walked down arm in arm with their shoulders high, proud to be parents, towards josh who was sitting on the sofa with a white and yellow blanket over his pyjamas.

They sat down beside him with a smile across their faces from ear to ear bursting with joy. They shared the news with Josh that he was to have a new sibling in a few months. He already heard the screams from upstairs but pretended he didn't hear anything. He didn't want to ruin the moment. He reached for mother squeezing her ever so slightly with a hug; he just pretended to be surprised. This was the beginning of another new life.

It was dinner time; mother and father were in the kitchen cooking some spaghetti Bolognese. It was Bolognese with minced chicken, it was my favourite. I could smell my dinner and my mouth began to water. I jumped into the sofa with my phone in my hand ready to relax before dinner was served. "Josh" mother called. He walked to the kitchen hands in his pocket awaiting mother's commands. She was telling him to lay the table and said "put two extra plates out, aunt and uncle are coming over for dinner". His aunt and uncle were psychiatrists and annoyed Josh a lot. He wasn't very glad that they were coming for dinner, they patronised him a lot about his depression. He never wanted to talk about it when he was okay. He didn't feel the need to talk about the past when everything was fine.

Josh frowned as mother told him. He wanted to enjoy dinner without them annoying him. They tended to make assumptions that were never right, that just his family. Josh doesn't understand how they got degrees if they can't do their jobs properly. They can't have learnt much if they don't say anything right.

"bing bong"

The door rung, mother wiped her forehead with the back of her hand as she walked to the door. "Guys stand up straight, josh tuck your shirt in" mother said. She wanted everything to be perfect for when she breaks the news to them. Josh didn't really care; he just wanted to eat his food in front of the TV watching the latest show on.

The huge brown door swung open, uncle and aunt beaming with a smile on their face, looked fake if you'd ask josh. As they kissed each other on the cheeks and greeted each other josh walked his way to the table hoping to avoid any contact. "Josh darling, oh my how you've grown" aunt exclaimed. Josh dragged himself over to aunt as she kissed his cheek with the wettest slobbery kiss ever. Uncle shook his hand, which was abit more josh's style. They all walked to the table and sat in their seats. Mother next to father, uncle next to aunt and josh dead right in the middle. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, until mother got up asking aunt to help in the kitchen. Josh knew mother didn't need help she was using it as an excuse for father and him to bond with uncle.

Uncle began to speak "so, josh. You've grown since the last time i saw you. How are you feeling?" He started speaking to josh in a patronising voice. He was speaking as if he was his therapist. "i have been ok i guess, managing well thank you" josh replied politely. The awkwardness grew. As father cleared his throat mother came through the doorway with the food and aunt following right behind with a smirk on her face. Mother told her the news before she told uncle. That's what kitchen time is for, it is for secret conversation.

As aunt sat down she cleared her throat and mother stood up. Mother gave father the look and he stood up too. "We have some exciting news to share" mother said. "They're having a baby" aunt screamed. She could never keep her mouth quiet. "Sorry" she said as mother huffed and said "yes, were delighted to tell you we are expecting" as josh stuffed his mouth with food. Uncle and aunt congratulated mother and father and sat down to eat. Didn't seem like they were over the moon about it, they were always jealous of mother and father. Everyone had finished their dinner and this time aunt took a pick at josh. "How are you coping now" she asked, "I'm fine" josh exclaimed as he rolled his eyes and huffed. He just wanted this night too be over.

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