Angel Has Fallen

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Ben was in disbelief that this was happening. His best friend, Gwilym, was setting foot in the States and with his boyfriend, who had just so happy to be his boyfriend's love years back.

Joe made sure to tell Ben over and over again that what Joe had with Allen was nothing more than fooling around. It was at University. It was years ago. Now the two were older and wiser. They wanted to be committed to a person that could truly love and trust and they found it in Ben and Gwilym.

"Do you think the guys will like upstate?" Joe asked, on the balls of his feet at the arrival gate at JFK. Joe and Ben had made their trip down to Jamaica and it would certainly be a fun car ride home to upper New York State.

"Upstate is where we are. Why wouldn't they like it?" Ben answered, a hand reaching over to take joes briefly, a thumb gently rubbing the brunet's Palm, "Besides, we will, of course, be taking them to the city during the week."

It was only a few moments from when Joe let his worries about the Brits approving of the location that the two men were met with the travelers. A strange instance really, since Joe did know Gwilym's boyfriend. It was more meting Gwilym, who Ben spoke so highly about that Gwilym didn't need an introduction. "So pleased to meet you Joseph" the taller British male commented after a tight, warm hug.

"You as well." The two hugged once more before Allen came from behind his boyfriend, smiling wide, "Joseph.. Long time, no see, eh?"

"You look great. No more baby face."

Allen snorted, "I could say that about you. And Your hair was a bit last time we saw one another if I can recall."

"Yeah. I don't know. Debating still stands on whether I'm more of a brunet or ginger, I'll go with the former but my beard still comes in red."

"You? A beard, I could never."

Joe couldn't help but smile. Allen was always sweet and he was the perfect amount of sweet, yet wit that Gwilym needed in his life. He would have never worked with Joe. Joe needed someone who could push his buttons when needed. He needed someone who could see through his defensive nature to reveal a man who just wanted to be accepted and most important of all -- loved.

"Shall we go, mates?" Ben announced, taking some of Gwilym's bags even though the tall brunet protested.

Joe sneakily took one of Allen's bags and slung it over his shoulder, "Let's do this!"


"So did you two have a nice Christmas?" Gwilym questioned as the four sat in a cafe in Dutchess county. Ben had asked if the men would rather go straight home but they were still wired and would rather grab a cup of tea and have a chat than stay wide awake in bed.

"Oh yes. Lovely. And joe's mother was such a dear. Made feel just as home as when I'm with my AU pair or my mum and dad back home."

"Well she doesn't have many visitors outside of her children, so you know she'd go all out. Especially when it's someone that I love and that she thinks is very handsome." Joe corrected.

"My host family think the same. We also had a Christmas dinner on the day off with my host family. Christmas Eve at Joe's and Christmas day with mine." Ben explained, holding his tea closer to mask some of the early February air.

"Any ideas on where you will go after June?" Allen turned Ben and asked the dreaded question. He was not going to be here forever. It was only for a year and sure, Ben could probably talk to his host family and be here for at least another year but Analise was growing up first and so were the boys. The time would come eventually where they wouldn't need him at all. And what does that all mean for him and Joe?

Angels To FlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora