Here Comes The Night (part 2)

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(20 minutes before Paul arrived) Paul's P.O.V

I've just woken up. WAIT. What time is it? Oh no. IT'S NEARLY TIME FOR THE SHOW!? I better get ready and quick. I speedily chucked on some clothes before combing my hair. I soon ran down the stairs, grabbed my guitar, shouting a very hurried goodbye to my dad before sprinting out the door. Oh god, I'm going to be so so late! What on earth is Eppy going to say!

"Paul! You should always be punctual!

Yes, that is something he would say.

(20 minutes later at the show when Paul Arrives) Normal P.O.V

As soon as Paul had arrived, Brian was the first person to greet him. And as you can expect he was not pleased with him.

"You took your time didn't you?""I know, I may be just a tad bit late. But I'm here now so y' know""You're beyond late McCartney!"

Paul looked filled with sorrow and regret. He never liked to make Eppy feel disappointed with him. No-one did for that matter. John had watched from aside as well as George and Ringo. They had all watched the situation unfold.

(In the middle of the show) John's P.O.V

I can't stop looking at Paul. I can't even stop thinking about the way Eppy treated my Paulie. He did apologise eventually, so I don't see what all the fuss was about in the first place. After the show, I might confess my feelings to Paul and try to decide what we might do about this newfound love between us. I don't know, I guess we will just have to wait until afterwards, I suppose.

Paul's P.O.V

Why does John keep looking at me? I wish he would stop so it wouldn't make him look any more suspicious than what he probably already looks like. I should just stay focused on trying to play until the end of this show. Well, if I can. You see it's always the same at these performances, shows or whatever you want to call them. The fans just won't stop screaming. Now, don't get me wrong, it's great to know that your fans are grateful for your existence, but it's just so deafening.

(At the end of the show) Normal P.O.V

After packing up, Ringo and George had left, leaving Paul and John alone. John went up to Paul and.....

__________________________________________________________A/N: And a cliff hanger. Well here's another chapter until next time Cheerio.

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