As the Tension Breaks

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It was quiet in the studio. Probably a bit too quiet. Even for George. Obviously George and Ringo don't have a clue as to what happened the night before. Only John and Paul do and if they were there they could tell them or John would depending on whether McCartney was up to talking today.

Yet that was another strange thing. Where was John and Paul. They were usually the first ones in and usually sat thinking of some new lyrics or finishing off a song together. This was a very unusual thing to happen. Ringo was getting slightly worried.

"George, where is Lennon and McCartney?"

"I don't know. They're probably stuck in the middle of a bunch of fans."

"I'm being serious George. Yknow like I'm actually worried."

"Give 'em 20 more minutes and then we'll start worrying"

Ringo agreed yet he was still worried. So they waited.

20 Minutes later

A very anxious Ringo was now pacing back and forth. Or he was until George told him to stop. But then he only just started to nervously tap his drumsticks against his leg. 

"Where are they George?!"

"Well it's been 20 minutes. I'll go and ask Eppy and see if he knows where they are."

"But won't he be furious when he finds out they're not here?!"

"Yeah I suppose so"

"George, you and I both know what Brian might do to John and Paul"

"Yes but it's their problem not ours."

Their arguing soon came to an end as a miserable looking Paul came though the door. Ringo just looked at George with confusion. Why was he so upset. More to the point, was this the reason why he was late into the studio? Who knows but maybe this was all to become very clear as to why Paul was acting the way he was. Only because John had just walked in and glared at Paul. This was quite unusual. Or very unusual to Ringo and George.

What happened? That was the question the two asked themselves.  They were shocked with what John proceeded to do next.

"You gonna talk to me today then"

No answer came from Paul. 

" Suppose not then. Well when you decide to actually actually acknowledge me let me know. Oh hang on a minute that's only if you find your voice"

Ringo couldn't just watch John do this to a very upset Paul. So he stood up for him.

"John come off it will ya. It's obvious that Paul is saddened by something so please don't make it worse for him"

"Trust me Rings if only you knew about the conversation last night. Well that's if you call it a conversation."

"Just leave him be John"

"You know nothing of what's happened. So you leave it"

"Well why don't you tell us what happened then"

Suddenly Paul felt the urge to speak.

"Just leave it would ya, it's bad enough as it is"

"Found ya voice then"

Paul soon turned away after that remark. Ringo was about to stand up for Paul, but he was interrupted by Paul himself.

"Yeah I have and I'm going to use it"

"Well put it to good use and answer the question I asked you last night."

Both George and Ringo were very confused by this. What question? When did they have this conversation? 

"Why do you care John"

"Why do I care?! I care because you're one of me mates"


"Yes Really!"

"Well you're coming across as being a little bit over protective"

"Aren't I allowed to look out for me mate?!"

"Lennon I'm not a kid anymore, I can look after meself. I wish you'd just leave it"

"Leave what?"

"This whole situation. Look i've had enough of this. I'll see you all tomorrow, I can't do with this today"

And with that he was out the door. Ringo knew John had gone too far.

"Fine, Bye"

John went to sit down and grabbed his guitar. He started working on a song that he had thought of a few days ago. He was interrupted by Ringo.

"What did you do that for John. You knew he was upset. We told you to leave it but you didn't. And now he's gone and who knows whether this band is going to hold together."

"Thank you Ringo for letting me know how much of a mistake I am"

"Well honestly John, why didn't you just leave him be"

"Well I know when I'm not wanted"

John got up and put his guitar down. He was heading towards the door.

"Now John come on we've got to finish this single today"


It was too late he was gone.

"Well I suppose it's just you and me George"

"Yeah you, me and my biscuits"

Ringo chuckled at him. He always made light out of difficult situations. And that's why they were mates after all. They both stayed till 4 and finished the single themselves.


A/N: Hello all hope everyone's ok. So I can't really write much at the minute as I have a ton of schoolwork due to not being at school. Because yknow with this pandemic we all have to stay at home. Which I hope you all are doing. Anyway this is a longer chapter than usual so I'm quite proud of myself haha. Anyway until next time Cheerio.

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