☆Not an Update, I'm sorry.▪

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Hey guys. It's been awhile since I've updated, y'know because school has started and because I havent been feeling the best at all lately. I know you probably dont care, cause all you care for is a new update, but I dont think I can provide that with how shitty life has been for me recently.

Let's just say I feel like shit. I feel worthless, sad, and although nothing has happened yet, taken advantage of. I'll continue the fanfic when I can, but for now I just want a break, from life the shitty feeling I've been dealing with ever since all of this has happened.

All I can say, people arent who they seem at all, you can know someone for 3 years and they can still manage to be someone completely different. I wish I wouldve known that before hand, I feel fucking ridiculous now for letting this happen to myself.


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