Part Three

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I heard sirens and within ten minutes the police and an ambulance had arrived. That was the last thing I remembered for some time as I finally could not stay awake any longer. Debbie yanked her shirt off and was using it as a makeshift bandage. Debbie was doing what she could to slow the bleeding in the shoulder but the bleeding in the wing was bad as well. The ambulance crew put an IV into Mathew and got him loaded into the ambulance and put a pressure bandage on Debbie's wound.

The ambulance had a police escort to the hospital while the two paramedics worked at a frantic pace to try stabilize Mathew and to keep Debbie from passing out as well. The paramedics finally pulled into the hospital and immediately began explaining to the doctors what they had done to try to save Mathew and Debbie. The doctor and the nurses were shocked to see the huge wings on Mathew. The wild story from a few months ago was thought to be a wild story but now in front of them was the truth.

Debbie was easy to patch up with a couple of stitches and some minor pain medicine. She was given a tetanus shot and the released to talk with the police about what had happened. Once she had given the police her statement and allowed them to take pictures she was allowed to use the phone to let her parents know what had happened to her.

Debbie took a moment to calm herself down and then lifted the receiver and called her home. Her mother finally picked up the phone on the fifth ring. “Mom, I'm at the hospital along with Mathew. That same asshole that followed me brought friends this time and they caught me on my run. I got cut on my neck but they got Mathew really bad mom. The bastard shot him, mom. Meet me at Mercy Hospital and I'll tell you everything when you get here.”

Debbie's parents finally showed up 45 minutes later as Debbie paced the floor while waiting for news about Mathew. She couldn't understand why someone would want to hurt Mathew and even kill him when all he had ever done was to save her life. So much hate just because he was different from most everyone else. Debbie saw her father and ran to him instantly when he came in the emergency room doors.

Debbie's father hugged her instantly in relief that she was going to be okay. “Thank God you're not hurt bad! Where is Mathew at?” “I don't know Dad. He was shot in the shoulder and the top of one of his wings. He collapsed in the parking lot at the pay phone while we were waiting for the Ambulance crew. He got the bastards that did this before he collapsed! The bastards were going to rape and murder me and force Mathew to watch before they cut his wings off and then killed him!”

Debbie's father held her tightly as she cried for a minute into his chest and finally calmed down. “It's alright honey! He saved you and you're going to be fine now so just relax. Start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened to you honey.” Debbie sat down and told her parents everything that had happened to her and Mathew and how they ended up in the hospital. By the time she was finished telling everything the doctor was coming out from in back to talk with them.

“I'm Doctor Mathis. Your friend is in emergency surgery right now. The bullet went through his shoulder and through the tip of his wing and shattering a bone there as well. He lost a lot of blood and has extensive damage to the shoulder. We can fix the shoulder, but the wing is going to be tricky. We are going to do our best to fix everything up and under no circumstances am I going to allow anyone to cut his wings off. It will be a few hours before we finish the work and a few more hours before he wakes up.

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