Part Eleven

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I stayed in the hospital slowly recovering for the next seven weeks before finally being released to a crowd of well wishers. I was surprised to meet nurse Jenkins and she was very happy to see me fully recovered from the edge of death. Several of the nurses were not happy to see me go though as they loved hearing me playing my flute.

Once I was outside of the hospital I stood up flexed my wings for a moment before leaping into the sky. I flew around the hospital twice and then landed next to Samantha again who was now starting to show quite well. “I've been wanting to ask, where is Debbie at?” “She got an offer she couldn't pass up. A coach saw her running at a track meet and recruited her. She's going to the Olympics in a few months from now. Her last track meet broke every state record for the event and missed a world record by 0.002 seconds. He saw her run that time and he recruited her real fast.”

While I was in the hospital recovering from being shot and then crashing horribly, Samantha had managed to get back into her classes and it was almost time for finals. It was a surprise to be welcomed back to the campus by so many people. It felt odd to not have to hide my wings any longer but at the same time it made things easier since I no longer had to pretend to be something I was not.

I still had to take it easy and build my strength back up with physical therapy but it was nice to be out of the hospital finally. I spent several hours in private making love to Samantha. I did not find her less attractive because she was pregnant and proved it to her quite willingly. I felt at ease in her arms and soon fell asleep. I woke up some time later as she climbed quietly out of bed to use the toilet.

She finished and came back to find me awake. She took shameless advantage of this and we spent several more hours making love. As I looked into her eyes I realized, that through all of it, I had been afraid of losing her. I embraced her as I realized I was not going to lose her and we enjoyed the rest of the night and most likely kept some of the others in the dorm awake.

When Samantha went back to class on Monday morning I went to my physical therapy treatment. Several girls stopped to watch me cross the campus and it made me feel like a piece of meat. None of them tried to ask me for a date as it was now well known I was seriously involved with Samantha. I learned later that several girls had been thinking that I would dump Samantha after finding out she was pregnant. They were very mistaken and disappointed when I refused to leave her.

We made it through to finals, and to relax, I went down to the bench where I had crashed and started playing my flute. Within a short time I had a crowd of students and professors gathered around again to hear me play. I smiled at everyone and let the music take over as I played how I felt. My mind wandered to Samantha and how I felt towards her and my music seemed to reflect this.

I always do my best thinking when I play my flute and let it wash all other concerns away. I wanted to stay with her and only had to get a way to make it official. I wanted to marry her and to raise our child together. Bless Samantha for knowing what I was thinking before I was even sure. I finished playing and finally noticed her on the bench next to me with a head on my shoulder. I kissed her passionately and cared not one bit who was watching us.

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