Part Ten

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Debbie and Samantha went to the room that Samantha shared with with Mathew and set down with the laptop. They typed up all of Mathew's story and posted it on the school forum along with news of his condition. They then printed out the entire document and placed four copies around the campus for everyone to read. They returned to the dorm room and then made copies of Mathew's medical history as well for the doctors at the hospital.

Before leaving to go back and talk with the doctor Debbie had to make an important phone call. She took a deep breath then began calling her mother to give her the horrible news. Debbie listened to the phone ring almost ten times before someone answered it. “Mom? Is dad there with you right now? I'm fine and so is Samantha, but I'm afraid I have some really bad news to tell you about Mathew. You might want to sit down though as it is not good at all.”

Debbie took another deep breath and then began. “Mathew is in the hospital intensive care unit. He is in a coma and the doctors don't expect him to make it through the night. Someone shot him early this morning when he was on his way back to the campus.

The shooting was not accidental either. The bastards shot him four times. He made it back to the campus but crashed really hard. He lost a lot of blood and mangled both his wings really badly. I think you might want to come down here and see him one last time while you can. He's on full life support right now and they say it's just a matter of time before his body finishes shutting down and he's gone.

I'm staying with Samantha for a while to help keep her calm. She's dealing with it but we could both really use the support right now. Thanks mom. Call me the minute you get into town and I'll come get you and we can go see him.”

Debbie hung up the phone and picked up the discs she had burned for the doctors. The two of them were stopped numerous times on their way to the car by people wondering if the statements were some kind of joke or if it was all true. Some of them merely wanted to know if Mathew was able to have people send him get well cards.

Debbie's mother sat in shock a few minutes after getting off the phone with her daughter. Finally she got up and called for her husband to let him know the bad news as well. “JAMES!! Grab your coat and pack some clothes for a few days! We're leaving to go see Debbie and Samantha for a few days!”

James came into the living room. “Slow down honey and start from the beginning. Now just exactly what is going on?” She explained everything to him about the call and how Debbie told her that Mathew might not live through the night. He grabbed two suitcases and 45 minutes later they had booked two tickets on a flight to Texas to see Mathew.

Debbie and Samantha were exhausted after the crazy nightmare of a day they had endured so far. Once they had made copies of all Mathew's medical information and dropped it off at the hospital, they came back to the campus and collapsed in exhaustion. On the way back to the dorm room they had been stopped by numerous girls and asked if the rumors were true about Mathew being in the hospital, and that he really did have wings.

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