Part Thirteen

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Debbie's parents were off watching another event while Samantha and I were watching the discuss and laughing about the one poor referee dropping one on his foot. Samantha was having trouble with getting comfortable at almost half way through the closing ceremonies the last night. “This little one is moving an awful lot tonight honey. I have a feeling it's a boy.” “I don't care if it is a boy or a girl, I will love either one and you as well.”

We made it back to the motel room and her contractions subsided. She looked at me and smiled. “This little one seems to be in a hurry to come out and meet you. It will be fun to see Debbie tomorrow one more time and congratulate her in person for winning so much and to let her see how big I've gotten. She always told me that I would not be satisfied until I married an angel. I think she was pretty close to right on that one.”

I laughed and then kissed her. “I'm no angel honey. I just happen to be the one lucky enough to have married you. Had I not met you I would still be in the forest hiding from the world for the rest of my days. Until I met you I had no clue what I was missing out on. Now I will fight to my last breath to be with you.”

We slept good that night and Samantha felt fine the next morning as her contractions had stopped. She took her anti nausea pills and we went out with the entire family to meet Debbie for one last meal before we all returned to the states. We were all laughing hard at the numerous pranks Debbie had pulled on her coach with help from the other athletes.

“So anyway we got a couple a fake biohazard stickers and posted them on the doors and then had the team doctor call and tell him that the entire building was under medical quarantine as someone had released something and everyone was sick. He panics and starts trying to get in touch with anyone he can but no one seems to know what he is talking about. We finally called him back two hours later and confessed it was all a prank. The look on his face was priceless.”

“I will so get even with you for that. You had me frightened and half crazy trying to figure out what to do. You just wait until we get home. I'll make sure your school coaches all know about the pranks you like to pull or maybe I'll just show up and yell at you for a few days to see if you can still remember how to run the right way.”

We all laughed and recounted numerous stories of minor pranks she had pulled on others down through the years. It was a great breakfast and even Samantha enjoyed it with no nausea for a change. We finally finished our meal and shook hands with the coach. Samantha stood up and Debbie was amazed to find out just how big she had gotten. Samantha and I had already been seated when Debbie arrived.

“Holy shit you've gotten big! You need to lay off those watermelon seeds!” “What can I say? He was poking fun at me and I took it seriously.” We all laughed and hugged then got up and ready to leave. Samantha grunted and then almost fell to her knees in pain as the contractions hit. I grabbed her before she could fall and held her up as her water broke and more hard contractions hit.

“Oh shit! Where's the nearest medical facility?” “Debbie put Samantha in the wheelchair and we all ran to a first aid station that was getting ready to close down when we arrived. “I need a doctor now!” “He left 20 minutes ago!” “Shit! Alright, I need some help here and some supplies so listen closely to everything and don't argue with me!” 20 minutes later Samantha was on a table in full labor with our first child on his way out into the world.

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