Aisle 6: Celebrations

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Back in school, I developed a crush on this purple-haired girl with three nose piercings. I don't know what I saw in her– maybe it was the short skirts she wore to the club– but I liked her before we'd even spoken to each other. I'd always see her out on Thursdays for EDM night, which piqued my interest. Nicknamed "Techno" by the rugby guys due to my aspiration to become an EDM artist, I figured I could bond with her over that mutual love.

On a particular Saturday night that came on the heels of a rough Friday night (and subsequent, puke-filled morning), I was too partied out to join my teammates at the bar. In spite of how worn I felt, they still tried to pressure me into rallying. "You're gonna get FOMO, man," warned Shortstop as he wiggled a shot of Burnett's in my face. "Fear of missing out!" He kept repeating this until the phrase was stuck in my head.

Eventually they pre-gamed too hard to care about me and left. I was content to smoke a bowl and masturbate furiously until Shortstop sent me a Snapchat of Bud's hips grinding against my purple-haired princess. The caption was simply, FOMO?

From then on, I was riddled with the curse of FOMO. Anxiety set in whenever someone had a shred of fun without me. I sat on my bed after work thinking about guacamole and Archer and whether or not Vinny was at the apartment. Lynette's words rang in my head: If you hadn't wussed out, you would've been hanging with us. I made the split-second decision to go for it.






Why were you avoiding me at work?


i wasn't avoiding you dude, i talked to you today


I mean earlier this week. I heard you running away from me whenever I got close to you. Just wanna know why


didn't you already talk to nette about this




lynette. sorry. whenever her brother comes around i shorten her name on reflex cuz he does it


Oh okay. "Nette" said you were embarrassed


there you go


...So you straight up ran away from me because you were embarrassed


dude. come on. think about it


I am


ok since you clearly need a breakdown... 1st of all: even though it was a prank it was a dumb thing to do. i never ever hook up at the bar and i was too drunk to realize how sloppy we were. 2nd: you are 20 and that makes me feel creepy. 3rd: i took you home. i shouldn't have to explain how weird that is.


so yeah. i felt really fuckin embarrassed and for a while i didn't even want to see your face. especially if you were gonna try to talk to me at work about it, which i hope to god you weren't gonna do

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