Aisle 21: Missions

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Ezra and I talked until an absolute banger came on, at which point I dragged him to the dance floor by the hand. "This is too good not to dance to— oh, God, I just noticed the MixLix! Of course Swizzelzz has a fucking MixLix!"

"His what?" Ezra screamed over the music.

"Swizzelzz is using a MixLix 5.1! It's a state-of-the-fucking-art DJ controller— I've been desperately wanting a knockoff for forever, but even those are expensive as shit!"

"'MixLix?' Sounds hot."

"Honestly, the thought of having one makes me cum a little."

He laughed and I grabbed his hips. At first, the way we grinded on each other was in a joking manner, until I started to pay attention to the way my hips brushed against his. As the beat slowed, my body moved in sync with his, and we danced close enough to share each other's sweat.

"Ezra? Milo?"

We pulled away from each other, which left me feeling unbalanced. Ezra turned to the source of the voice and smiled. "Millie," he said, giving her a high five that she half-heartedly reciprocated. "What're you doing here?"

"My agency's heading this event," Millie explained. Her tone was devoid of enthusiasm. "Uhm, is Lynette around?"

"I think—"

"Wait, you didn't know Lynette's here?" I interjected, eyes wide.

"No, I didn't," she said stoically. "I gotta go. Hope you guys are having fun."

"We are," said Ezra. His hand grazed my back. Millie smiled weakly, waved, and walked away.

"I feel like we should find Lynette," I muttered, watching Millie disappear into the crowd. Ezra hesitated before agreeing.

We split up. Ezra surveyed the dance floor and I headed for the outdoor bar. I was walking around the perimeter when my ears picked up a familiar voice. It wasn't Lynette's, and it felt as though I'd only heard it a couple times; when I turned around, I was shocked to see Sonja Rapp in a pair of glittering, silver shorts and a pin-laden jean jacket. She looked displeased to be in the company of an older guy. I whipped out my phone.




any luck?


No, but GET THIS, that girl who gave me her number at the Mart is here


bahahahahahahahaha is she with anyone


Kinda. I think some creep is trying to get with her, she doesn't look happy


dude! save her


You think I should? What if it's her uncle or something?


if he's that old then you should definitely save her. unless you're too paralyzed with jealousy to move rn


Yeah, I'm secretly in love with her and her taste in organic tea. Brb gonna go pretend we're cousins or something

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