Chapter 13

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omg elaine




turn on ur tv to CBN NEWS





ikr like wtf

i didnt think yesterday's argument would spark a revolution...i think my teacher did something lol. she probably told all the other teachers and stuff spread.


oh god


uhm ill meet u at the tree ok Seraphina's already there


with john?


i dont think so im pretty sure she said he had some business to take care of


k call isen idk his number


yeh good idea the more the merrier

Elaine kneaded her forehead in frustration as she banged her fist into the table.

"Breaking news. Riots are appearing all over the country, an unnamed figure has given us a little inside footage."

People were screaming, shoving each other, while the military police tried to get everything under control. The low-tiers seemed to have bonded together in a tightly knit group, eyes flashing, as they proceeded to fight off anyone who tried to stop them.

"This fight was sparked from an argument that was shared online with the King and Queen of Wellstone High, one of the most prestigious schools in the country. The Queen seems to want equality and justice, for all, setting low-tiers and high-tiers on the same scale, which is simply unheard of. The King wants to keep his hierarchy stable and under control even if it means innocent low-tiers getting risking danger and being bullied every single day. It seems that this video went viral all over the web, sparking many arguments; causing many difficult situations. Low-tiers have found their voice, and high-tiers are feeling threatened. Here's some information we have gotten."

Elaine listened intently, not even noticing the milk in her cereal bowl sloshing everywhere as she poured her favorite honey-nut cheerios in.

"A high-tier was found almost dead at the end of a highway. A group of low-tiers, nicknamed, 'the hawks' admitted they were behind the incident, stating that it was only self-defense seeing that the high-tier was assaulting a young girl. They rescued her, but the high-tier, a 30-year-old man by the name of Richard Salter, in his drunken fury attacked them. They had no choice, fight, or be beaten, an anonymous report has written. We have had several bystanders speak on camera, and they have all said similar things, so a trial will be held for Mr. Salter in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, he is being fixed up by several medical doctors and will be imprisoned. Stay tuned. "

It's a good cause, but I'm afraid this isn't the best way to approach it. Too many people are still stuck in our old ways. A revolution will be hard.

Elaine rocked back in her chair, letting her heels dangle above the ground. The authorities would usually never let this happen! They liked to keep things in order, and never would've let the news put it on the show. Keep calm, and just do your job. Their motto was. Elaine's uncle used to be the head of police, and he would've never let things get this out of control. Goodness! Riots, brawls, and maybe killings soon enough. Who the hell was this irresponsible?

She was fuming. Peace was all she wanted. God! She never understood quite why high-tiers were satisfied after beating up some low-tier. Happiness because they felt powerful? She wasn't sure. But, all she remembered was some poor girl or boy limping or being supported by friends as they walked into Dr. Darren's office. He wanted her help in healing some of the more severe injuries, so she tried her best to ease the pain. Those eyes. They just looked so --

Defeated. She felt a pang in her heart.

Yes, she was a coward who did nothing to help. But, she didn't make the situation worse. Okay, sometimes she did, but never mind. She was a sucker for peace and hated arguing ever since her parents had divorced.

Elaine breathed, she already knew what was going to happen next. Revenge.

Somebody was going to be killed, and then that person's friends and family would seek revenge. The cycle would start all over again, and the world would be in chaos with lots of screaming and death. Of course, maybe if some authorities, police; political leaders would just step up;  maybe this wouldn't happen. Maybe. They needed someone strong, dependable, trust--


She quickly shook her head in disgust. After that incident, there was no way in hell Remi was going to let Arlo take charge.

A small part of her yelled that it wasn't entirely Arlo's fault, and he was still as handsome as before, with his beautiful blue eyes and golden curls of hair.

Elaine cringed and shook it away. What the heck? She should feel annoyed, and furious --

No. Gross. Stop. STOP!

She sighed, did she really not care about Arlo's factor in Blyke's death? She had been so sad and cried for hours; why was she taking sides with his potential killer? God, was she that gullible and stupid?

Elaine grabbed her backpack.  "I'm going!" She yelled.

"Have fun at school!" Her obviously clueless mother who had not watched the news yelled back.

She slammed the door behind her, already mentally preparing herself for the swarm of media that would be crowding the front of the building.

Remi. Meeting her. Right. This should be her first priority. Elaine had a crazy hard math test that was worth 40% of her grade today. She had stayed up to 3 AM studying, but she honestly didn't care about that anymore.

She was surprisingly calmer than she thought she would be.

Elaine took several deep breaths. I can't fix this easily. I'm thinking as any young brash high-schooler thinks. There is no way this problem can be fixed on my own in a few days. It should be done by the higher --

She shook her head. Negative thinking! Seraphina's mom is pretty well-known. We can updates from her perhaps? But..? But, everyone is going to laugh in my face if I try! I don't think I can solve this on my own! Or maybe...would it be better if I stayed out of it? If I got involved, would they kick me out of school! What if I end up in jail? No! Panic clenched tight in her chest, as her breaths as she ran got sharper. This was not good.

"Elaine," Remi called, her hand waving. Seraphina was already leaning on the side of the tree, texting on her phone. Elaine slid downward in relief, glad to have a stable ground, and settled down at the bottom of the tree trunk. "We need to talk." Remi's face was a mask of seriousness.

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