Chapter 14

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"Sooooo," Isen cleared his throat. "What are we going to do about this whole situation?"

Elaine jumped, she had been so focused on Remi, she hadn't noticed Isen was there. His eyes were puffy and he looked like he hadn't slept for several days. As Blyke's bestfriend, they had agreed to tell him about Blyke's death. He hadn't reacted in a violent way--more like taking deep breaths and processing everything before completely crumpling down. He was probably still in disbelief. They all were.

Seraphina sighed," I'm not really sure, I vote to let the police department decide on this. I think they'll fix this. I mean, who's going to listen to us? We're just a bunch of random high-schoolers."

"There's also the fact that most of us are high-tiers. The public isn't going to listen to us, and certainly not going to follow us. The problem is with the low-tiers, and I think we need to find some kind of a leader, maybe like a low-tier that is against their ways? The low-tiers will trust in that person. That will help us." Isen frowned.

"Y-yeah! That's a good idea! And we can like spread news around, kinda like propaganda I guess. They have to be really persuasive, and a good leader who can get the people to look up to them ." Elaine was happier now. Maybe her idea wasn't complete rubbish after all! Well, the Arlo-being-leader part was, but the rest

"No." Remi's voice was flat, and void of emotion. "Remember the last time I tried to get involved? And stop Ember? Everyone got hurt, and nothing got solved. I blame myself, I was too naive. I suggest we turn it over to the authorities to deal with it. Things like this happen a lot, after all."

"Remi! You taught them how to protect themselves, and gave them confidence! Sure, we got hurt. But you strengthened their hearts! You're so negative these days, it's nothing like the old Remi. You were amazing, and you tried so hard to avenge your brother, and give them hope! The situation was literally caused by you! Why can't you get yourself to do something about it? You're the one who texted Elaine, and made us all come here for nothing if we aren't going to do anything! " Isen countered.

Remi's eyes blazed. "Well, I was frazzled earlier, and a bit panicked. But I calmed quickly. I'm more mature, alright? I realized my mistake of calling you all here, but it was too late. Don't you dare go there? Stop with old Remi. I had this conversation with Blyke, and he said. The. Exact. Same. Thing. Why can't you both accept the fact that I'm changing? It's for the better good too! I'm no longer that cheery, sunshiney, positive girl. I'm stronger and more real. I'm a new person. A better version."

Isen looked somber. "Arlo has destroyed you, hasn't he?"

"What the hell, Isen!?" Remi shrieked, "Arlo is a horrible person, but he's not that bad! I changed myself by my own accord, not because of Arlo!"

"Heartbreak," Seraphina mumbled as Elaine joined her by the tree, sighing as she tried to block out their shouting match. "Remi won't admit it, but she's pretty heartbroken over her relationship, and then there's the whole thing with Blyke. I think that's what turned her heart into black ice."

Elaine nodded in agreement. "God, we have more important things too! Why can't they be more sophisticated, and talk calmly or at least somewhere private! I mean, we need to concentrate on the situation at hand, and they're not helpingthey're literally making it worse. Like, who cares if Remi doesn't want to help, we'll do it ourselves! There is absolutely no need to talk about how much she's changed!" She didn't realize she was ranting until she ran out of breath.

After a long silence of Elaine trying to catch her breath, Seraphina gave her wany smile. "Speaking of change, you've changed a lot, Elaine."

"M-me?" A crimson blush settled itself on top of Elaine's cheeks.

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