Chapter 2

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Bishamon POV

"(y/n) sweetie are you feeling alright? You don't look so good." I said, "Owie." He said, "Did you get hurt? Here show Mama where it hurts and I'll make it all better." I said as he took off his shirt and showed me his back. He had a large blight on his back, it was amazing he wasn't crying. but it was even more amazing that he was still conscious! I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he's in. "Sweetie you've been blighted, let's go cleanse it so it wont spread any more than it already has." I said as I picked him up causing the blight to spread onto me.

"VEENA YOUR ARMS!" Kazuma shouted, "I'm fine I got the blight from (y/n) and I'm going to cleanse us both right now. I need you to tell Fuyumi to meet us in the sacred bath." I said, "Y...Yes milady." He said as he bowed before walking away. "Hurt." (y/n) said, "I know it hurts, but just hold on a bit longer alright darling." I said.

"MASTER!" Fuyu shouted, "He'll be alright after he's cleansed." I said as I undressed myself and (y/n), "Fuyu I want you to go confront Natsumi. I doubt she knows what she did, but I won't, no I can't forgive her for blighting my baby!" I said, "I was already going to do that after I saw his blight. Come to think of it he has been saying ow an awful lot lately. If I were him I'd just revoke her name and cast out that ingrate." She said, "No." (y/n) said, "N...Natsu friend." He said, "Alright I'm sorry master. I won't bring it up again." Fuyu said before she walked away.

"We don't really get to do this very often. If I had it my way we'd do this everyday." I said as we sat in the purifying water, "Well maybe we could do without the blight." I said, (y/n) didn't say anything he just sat on my lap, "Sweetheart you know that I love you more than anything right?" I asked, "Yeah." He said softly as I turned him around to face me, "Sweetie what's the matter?" I asked, "Natsu sad." He said softly as he rested his head on my chest, "Sweetie everything will be ok, I won't let you get blighted again." I said as I hugged him and kissed the top of his head.

Fuyumi POV

"HEY NATSU!" I yelled angrily, "Oh great just what I needed." She said, suddenly I punched her as hard as I could, "WHAT THE HELL!" She yelled, "That's for the master!" I said as I teared up, "He's just a little boy, how could you do that to him, how could you blight him!" I said, "Blight?" She said, "It's a defilement, one that can spread. Your constant defiance kept stinging him! And than it turned into a blight." I said, "You have to realize that all your bad and negative thoughts and actions wont affect you anymore, but they will hurt our master it could also quite possibly kill him. And if he dies and I find out that you were to blame I will forcibly remove your name, the only thing keeping you here." I said as I walked away.

Natsumi POV

"Natsu." (y/n) said as he tugged on my skirt, "Oh hey there, I um...I'm really sorry. I didn't know I was hurting you. I was just angry." I said as I looked at the ground, "Natsu, hug." He said as he hugged me.

"HA! I cant believe I got away with it! That dumb brat has no clue." I said as I lit a cigarette, "Who are you talking about?" A woman said, "Don't worry about it baby. It's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about." I said as I got on top of her.

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