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Ethan's POV

I'm at home when my phone buzzes, I look to see Mal's contact pop up on ny phone. I freak out and i click on it.

Mal😍: Heyy

Me: Hi 👋

Mal😍: So, you busy tonight?

Me: Nope 😊

Mal😍: I really need to get my mind off of things, maybe I could come over?

Me: Totally!! Our address is 1267 Maple Street

Mal😍: Our?

Me: Me and my twin brother 🙃

Mal😍: Oh ok, I'll be over.

Me: Great 😆

"Dude! You remember that girl i was talking about?" I ask Grayson.
"Yes." Grayson says.
"She's coming over. " I say.
"You're kidding." He says.
"Nope, get ready brother, you're about to see the most beautiful sight you've ever seen." I say. Then the doorbell rings.
"Should I take my shirt off?" I ask.
"Why?" Grayson asks.
"Maybe it will draw her in." I say.
"Go ahead." Grayson says. I take my shirt off and I answer the door, there stands Mal.
"Mal, hey." I say.

Mal's POV

Ethan answers the door, shirtless with his shirt in his hands. My eyes roam his body. His perfect abs and body structure.
"Oh, sorry, do you want me to put my shirt back on?" He asks.
"If you want, i don't mind." I say and I walk into the house.
"You must be Ethan's twin brother." I say when I see someone who looks very similar to Ethan.
"Yep, I'm Grayson." He says.
"Mal." I say with a smile.
"Ok gray, go find something to do." Ethan says to Grayson.
"Mk, see you two later." Grayson says and he leaves the house.
"The couch?" Ethan asks me, i nod. I sit on the couch, Ethan sits next to me and he turns on a movie, truth or dare to be exact.
"A scary movie?" I ask.
"Yep." Ethan says, i roll my eyes.

We're a little into the movie and someone dies, I scream and it hold onto Ethan's arm.
"Shh, it's ok." Ethan says to me. Which really clamed me down.

Ethan's POV

The movie is over and Mal fell asleep on my shoulder. I decide to lay down and I move Mal up so she wouldn't sleep by my, you know what. She wakes up.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." I say.
"What time is it?" She asks.
"12." I say.
"Can I just sleep here tonight?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say. She then lays her head on my bare chest and snuggles up with me.
"This is nice." She says.
"Yes. Yes it is." I reply. We both soon fall asleep.

Grayson's POV

I come home around 12:30. I walk into the house quietly. The lights are all off, but the tv is playing some random show. I walk in to see Mal and Ethan all cuddled up and sleeping. I think Ethan might he falling for this girl, all though they are cute together, if she finds out what we do, she will freak and probably never want to see or talk to him again. And I'm not sure how long he can keep it a secret, expecially since I've been through something similar. Me and the girl didn't last after she found out my secret. I take a picture of them on Ethan's phone and I set it down. I smile and I go up to my room. Maybe they could last, if Ethan's careful.

Mal's POV

It's morning. I get up and I try not to wake up Ethan, I succeed. I then leave the house and I go home. I open the door and my mom and dad are both standing there.
"Hi." I say after I shut the door.
"Where were you?" My mom asks.
"And what happened to your hair, and face, and ears, and nose and belly button!!?" My dad raises his voice.
"It's called choice dad." I say crossing my arms.
"And was another choice you made staying out." My mom says.
"Why does it fucking matter!?" I ask.
"We're you with a guy?" My dad asks.
"Maybe, it doesn't matter." I say.
"Yes it does!!" My mom yells.
"Just tell me you used condoms." My dad says. I shake my head.
"I was with a guy, yes, but nothing happened. We watched a movie, and we both fell asleep, then I came home. Get off my ass, jeez!!" I yell and i run up to my house.

Ethan's POV

I wake up. Mal's gone. She must have woken up and left. I sit up and rub my eyes. I check my phone to see it on my photos. My recent photo is me and Mal sleeping together on the couch. Wow Grayson. I make it my background. This girl makes me happy and i barley know her. I've been depressed for most of my life, but when Mal walked into it that day at the club, my life's been different, the best kind of different. I'm actually happy, i actually care about someone for once.
"Yo, me and Nate are going to attack at a gas station, coming?" Grayson asks me. I put on my shirt.
"Hell yeah." I say. We take our duffel bag filled with guns and we go to the gas station and we meet up with nate. We put on our red bandanas. We all walk in.
"Welcome to Poppers." The front desk lady says.
"What's with the masks?" She asks us. I pull out a loaded gun at her. The other two start pointing their guns a the customers.
"What is going on!?" The girl screams.
"I want the money." I say.
"How much?" She asks.
"All of it! Give it all to me." I say. She takes out all the money and gives it to me. I put it in the duffel bag. I then shoot her. All the customers gasp and scream. I turn towards all the people.
"Any of you freaks want to die?" I ask them. They all shake their heads no.
"It's to bad not everyone gets what they want." I say. All three of us start shooting people as people try to run away. Let's just say nobody made it alive. We leave with the money. We give some to Nate and me and Grayson go back home. We leave the masks in the car, hidden.
"Looks like the cops showed up a little after we left." Grayson says while looking at his phone.
"Cool." I say. We got 156 dollars not including the 100 we gave Nate. Then I got a text.

Mal😍: Did you hear about the shooting at the gas station. Nobody made it out alive :((

Me: Yeah, that sucks 😞

Mal😍: I hate people sometimes 🤦

Me: Me too, maybe we can hangout sometime soon since you left so early this morning 😉

Mal😍: Yeah totally 😊

Me: Great, gotta go, buh bye 👋

Mal😍: Byye ❤️

I set my phone down. If Mal ever found out about me, she would freak and never want to see my face again, i don't know if I would he able to come back from that.

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