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Mal's POV

I dyed my hair back to brown last night, and I took out my nose piercings, my belly button piercing, and most of the ear piercings except the one on the ear lobe. I go to my closet and I pick out an outfit that i would wear before again.

Then i do my makeup and hair and I come downstairs

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Then i do my makeup and hair and I come downstairs.
"Your hair is brown again!!" Kayla yells. My mom comes into the living room.
"Yes, I changed it back." I say.
"How come?" My mom asks.
"There's a person." I say.
"A boy?" Kayla asks me.
"Maybe." I say.
"Did he not like the black and red?" My mom asks.
"No, he was ok with it, but when we first met I had brown hair, and I don't know, i just changed it back." I say.
"What's his name?" Kayla asks.
"Ethan." I say.
"Does he go to your school?" My mom asks.
"No, I met him at- the park." I lie.
"Ok, well go before you're late to school." Kayla says. I nod and I go to school. I go to my locker when Hailey comes up to me.
"Hey there." Hailey says.
"Hi." I say. Then I hear someone scream, we both look to see five guys with red masks covering half their faces.
"The red bandits." I say.
"We're all going to die today." Hailey says. My breathing starts picking up.
"Everyone remain calm!!" One of the guys yells. My eyes land on one of the guys with the red mask, he's looking at me. He whispers something to a different guy and he starts walking my way.
"Run." Hailey says.
"Run and i shoot." The guy says and he pulls out a gun.
"Please don't hurt us." I beg.
"Trust me sweetheart, i would never hurt you." He says.
"Her on the other hand." He says and he points the gun at Hailey, she puts her hands up.
"No, please don't!!" I yell.
"Is she your friend?" He asks.
"Yes, my best friend." I say.
"For you Mal, I won't hurt her." He says.
"H-How do you know my name!?" I ask.
"I have my ways baby." He says and he winks at me.
"You two get out of here, I'll make sure they don't hurt you guys." He says.
"Thank you mystery guy." I say.

Ethan's POV

Mal and her friend run out of the school without anyone noticing but me.
"Let's just kill everyone at this fucking school." I say. Grayson shoots a group of kids as they start running.
"I'll make sure nobody leaves." I say. I walk outside and I see Mal and her friend getting in her car. Right before Mal gets in she gives me a small wave. I smile and I return the same small wave. She then gets into her carband drives away. I look back and I see kids rushing out, i start shooting. Five people fall dead. Then I hear sirens, I rush inside.
"Someone called the cops!!" I yell. Grayson, Nate, Jack and Aaron all come rubbing outside. We get in the car and drive away, we take off our masks and hide them in the car and we hide the guns. We make it to Grayson and I's house. We all go inside.
"Ok, only a few kids survived." Nate says.
"Two made it out." I say.
"What!? Why did you let them go!?" Grayson screams at me.
"It was Mal and her friend!" I yell back.
"And this is why you don't fall in love with some random girl Ethan!!" Grayson yells at me. I roll my eyes and I go upstairs. My phone begins ringing, it's Mal.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.
"My school was just attacked." She says.
"Oh my god, are you ok!?" I ask.
"Yes, one of the guys let me and my friend Hailey leave, unhurt." She tells me.
"That's good." I say.
"I really wanna see you, are you free at the moment?" She asks.
"Yes, I am, should I come over?" I ask.
"No, I'll meet you at Uper Park." She says.
"Ok." I say and I hang up. I change into different clothes and I rush downstairs.
"Where are you going?" Grayson asks me.
"I'm going to go see Mal." I say.
"After you just shot people at her school." Nate says.
"Yes, now goodbye." I say and I leave. I go to the park where I see Mal and her friend Hailey.
"Hey guys." I say as I approach them. Mal runs up to me and she hugs me. I was caught off guard but I hug her back. She pulls out of the hug.
"I'm so glad i made it out alive." She says. Hailey looks into my eyes.
"He's the guy!! Arrest him!!" Hailey yells.
"What?" Mal asks. I put on a worried look, when a cop comes up behind me and takes my hands and puts them in handcuffs.
"What are you doing!!?" Mal yells at the cop.
"Your little boyfriend here is getting arrested for murder." The guy says.
"He didn't do anything dad!!" Mal yells. I look at her with a sad expression.
"Dad, please, i love him." Mal begs.
"I'm sorry sweetheart." He says.
"What did you do Ethan?" Mal asks.
"Red." I get out before I get pushed into the police car and her dad slams the door in my face. She was now crying.

Mal's POV

Ethan was the one who let me and Hailey go. Thats what he meant by hes dangerous. He's one of the red bandits. But that doesn't make me love him any less.
"How long is in jail!?" I ask my dad.
"Depends, I don't know how many people he's killed, the average is 20 years." My dad says. He'll me 37!!
"No dad, you can't do this to him, to me." I beg.
"If you can work up 5,000 dollars by the end of the week, there's a chance you can get him out." My dad tells me and he gets into his car and drives away.
"How could you do this!?" I yell at Hailey.
"When I saw him at the school, I recognized him, he's a bad guy Mal." Hailey says.
"But I love him, he's the love of my fucking life!!" I yell at her.
"You've known him for like two weeks Mal." Hailey says.
"Yes, but I love him, more than you know." I say and I drive to the club.
"I need 10 drinks." I say to Mike.
"But you're the only person here." He says.
"I know." I say.
"Break up?" He asks.
"Worse. The love of my life is in fucking jail!!" I yell.
"Now give me my fucking 10 drinks before I call the cops on you for a underage drinking business." I threaten.
"Ok." Mike says and he goes to the back to prepare my drinks. How the hell am I going to get 5,000 dollars by the end of the fucking week!?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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