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Mal's POV

I get up. Me and Ethan have been hanging out a lot more lately. We're at the beach currently. I sigh.
"Thank you." I say to him with a smile.
"For what?" He asks.
"You've been here for me when my family wasn't." I say, he smiles.
"You're perfect." Ethan says.
"No I'm not." I say while shaking my head no. He cuffs one side of my face with on of his hands and he rubs my jawline with the palm of his thumb.
"I don't think I've ever met someone as amazing as you Mal." Ethan says. I go to say something when Ethan's lips crash against mine. I instantly kiss back.
"Mal?" I hear someone ask. I pull out of the kiss with Ethan, we both look to see....
"Eric." I breath out.
"Who the fuck are you!?" Eric asks Ethan.
"Ethan, and you?" He asks.
"Eric, Mal's boyfriend." Eric says.
"Ex boyfriend, you cheated on me, remember?" I ask with sass.
"So you're that FuckBoy?" Ethan asks Eric. Eric punches Ethan in the face. I don't think I and i kick Eric in the balls, he screams in pain.
"You never touch him again!" I yell.
"Come on Ethan." I say. I take Ethan's hand and I drag him back to his car. Ethan gets in and so do I. We drive off back to Ethan's house. We get out of the car, i put my shirt and shorts over my bikini and we walk into his house.
"Ok Ethan, we a-" Grayson starts saying and then he sees me.
"Um, hello Mal." Grayson says with an awkward smile.
"Hi weirdo." I say and laugh.
"Here, give me and Gray a second." Ethan says, I nod and I sit on the couch.

Ethan's POV

"What were you going to say?" I whisper ask him.
"I was going to say we attack the highschool tomorrow." Grayson whispers.
"Ok." I whisper and I go to the couch and I sit next to Mal.
"Could I sleep here tonight?" Mal asks.
"Don't you have school tomorrow?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.
"You sound like my dad." She says.
"Sorry, yes you can." I say.
"Great." She says.
"There's a room upstairs that you could sleep in." I say.
"I'd rather sleep here." She says.
"Ok." I say.
"With you." She says. A smirk appears on my lips.
"Oh really?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says with a smirk.
"Don't even think about it." Grayson says from behind us. We both look at him.
"What? I don't wanna hear that." Grayson says. I roll my eyes.
"Fine, come on." Mal says and she stands up and starts walking up the stairs. I shrug and I follow her up the stairs. She walks into my room, and i walk in after her.
"What's going on?" I ask. She walks to the door and she shuts the door.
"Have you lost your virginity?" She asks me and she looks at me.
"Uh, yes, why?" I ask.
"Well I haven't." She says.
"Oh." I say. She pushes me onto my bed.
"I've been waiting for someone who can actually make me happy, and i know I've only known you for about a week or two, but I know that i want you to be my first." She says, my eyes widen. She takes off her shirt and throws it on the ground. She opens my legs and walks in between them and lays her chest on mine, she starts kissing me and I kiss her back. She then moves down to my neck. Then she pulls my shirt off. And goes back to my lips.

We're both laying in the bed, neither of us have clothes on but we're under the covers.
"Should I dye my hair back to brown?" Mal asks.
"Why?" I ask.
"I don't know, I'm getting sick of the red and black." She tells me.
"If you want." I say.
"I want your opinion Ethan." She says and she turns her head to look at me, i look at her, our faces inches a part.
"I think you look great either way." I say with a smile, she smiles.
"We'll see what I choose." She says. She takes the covers off and she gets up and puts her clothes back on, I put my boxers and shorts back on but I leave my shirt on the ground.
"I should be heading home though." She says, i nod.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.
"Yes." She says. She goes to the door, she puts her hand on the handle but stops.
"What are you-" I start when she turns around and kisses me. She pulls out of the kiss and smiles.
"Goodbye Ethan." She says and she walks right out of the door. I smile. I hear the front door shut.
"Damn, you two really are loud." Grayson says and then he appears in my doorway, I roll my eyes.
"I was her first." I tell him.
"Congrats." Gray says sarcastically.
"Don't gotta be a dick." I say.
"I'm not, I'm being your brother." He says.
"Exactly, dick." I say and I slam my door in his face.
"Fuck you!!" Grayson yells from outside of my door. Tomorrow we attack the highschool...

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