part 17

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you wake up and look at your phone and the time is 8:33
y/n POV
where's anthony? he was right next to me last night.. or was that all just a dream. i'll go check around the house. but wait his phone is on the night stand where he left it and he never leaves anywhere without his phone.. then i walk downstairs to the smell of cooking food. damn it smells god who the hells cooking this shit oh my god? then i get to the bottom of the stairs and walk into the kitchen to see anthony cooking food! "hey antman!" "awe hey cutie! i'm making breakfast for you!" he smiles at me. damn i love that smile! you smile back at him "thx ant!" "no problem cutie!!" as soon as the food was done i devoured it!
after you finish your food

"hey y/n do you wanna go to the carnival with the boys and i?" "will zoe be going" you ask "yeah i'll ask if she can come!" you smile "ok i'll come!! and i'll text her and ask her!" "ok thanks y/n! i love you!" you snap your head at him and you see he's looking at the ground and blushing.. you walk up to him and hug him tightly.. then you smash your lips against his, you pull away and pull him to the bed, cuddle him, and put your face at the crook of his neck (since he's to y'all you can't stand and do that😂) "i love you too anthony"
:time skip:
you get dressed into this outfit:

 then you smash your lips against his, you pull away and pull him to the bed, cuddle him, and put your face at the crook of his neck (since he's to y'all you can't stand and do that😂) "i love you too anthony" ————————————————————————:time skip:yo...

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you get dressed and you see anthony sitting on his phone "hey anthony!" he looks at you and pats his lap for you to get in his lap.. "hey y/n can i tell you something?" "yeah! of course. anything!" you look at him " um- y/n- i like you, like a lot" you blush and look down "i like you too anthony.." you look at each other straight in the eyes "hey y /n can i ask you something?" "yeah sure!!" "w-will y-you be my g-girlfriend?" you wrap your arms around your neck and put your head in the crook of his neck and wrap your legs around his torso and answer.. "of course i would love to!" then you kiss him... and it's not like the other time, this time it's more passionate, and more affectionate.. you pull away and anthony says.. "we should probably get going" you both laugh "yeah let's go before we're late" you giggle "WAIT Y/N!" anthony yells at you "yes hun?" anthony spins you around to look at you and kisses you again "ok NOW let's go" you both laugh and walk out the door hand in hand

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