Part 19

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you and anthony get back at home:

"hey anthony don't you think we should be asleep bc it's like 11:30" you giggle "yeah i'm getting tired" he laughs "alright bub" you go down to the basement and grab some blankets because it's always -248538 degrees in your room because the owners of your house haven't fixed the broken AC so it's been that cold for like ever! you put the blankets on the bed "anthony i'm colddddd" you whine then sit on his lap and cuddle him "i know cutie, hey wait i have an idea!" "what?" he goes to his bag and grabs a hoodie and some sweatpants because he notice you only had tank tops and shorts to sleep in "aww thx antman!" "no problem babes" you boy lay in your bed and fall asleep
time skip to 2:30

you hear your phone vibrating and look at it to see who or what it is... then you see someone is calling you, you rub your eyes and take a double look at who's calling you and you see the contact by the name of payton moormeier😞: you get out of your bed and go outside to see what in the hell payton wants at this hour
(P) payton (Y) y/n:

Y- payton what could you possibly want at this hour?
P- y/n i kinda have to admit i kind of still like you..
Y- payton i-
P- y/n shut up and let me speak please,
Y- ugh ok..
P- i miss you, i miss your hugs, your kisses, your cute instagram post about us.. i miss everything about you, but you probably don't miss me or anything like that..
Y- payton i do kind of miss you but i'm in love anthony.. i'm sorry
P- i knew it y/n but-
Y- but do you know what would make things a little bit better?
P- what?
Y- if we could meet up somewhere and talk about this quote unquote problem we're having
P- alright!! but where?
Y- starbucks at 2:30?
P- sounds good! love yo-
P-oh um s-sorry
Y- it's ok payton
you laugh
Y- good night
P- good night y/n
and with that y'all both hang up.. then you walk back to the room and lay back down with anthony "babes where were you?" "i was outside on the phone with payton, but don't worry we aren't going to get back together! we're just going to talk it out" he laughs and kisses your head "it's ok cutie, but if y'all do get back together can we at least stay together for like another week or so?" you shed a little tear because of how understanding anthony is "of course babes" you sniffle and kiss him but you quickly wipe he tear away so he wouldn't notice you were starting to cry.. "good night cutie" anthony kisses your head "good night my antman" you lay on his chest and fall asleep

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