Chapter 1: Schoolday

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeeeeep*

Grrrr I fucking hate that alarm.

I do my best to look at my clock.

It shows [ 07:57 am ]

Fuck late AGAIN. That's the third time this week and were only Thursday. I should go to sleep earlier, but I was texting Midorima-kun. I better do things quick or I have to walk alone to school without Midorima next to me. Which means I'll probably get hit before nine O'Clock.

*Ding Ding*

Shit! He is here already. No breakfast again, I didn't make my backpack last night so the wrong books for today also. Where is my uniform!!! I can't seem to find it. I guess I'll go in my regular clothes which means another week of detention.

I fumble with my keys and see that he is almost out of my street already. Running without tying your shoes is a disasters so I almost tripped a few times.

"Wait! Midorima-kun!!! I'm ready, I'm here just on time." I yell to get his attention, so he stops for a moment so I can catch up with him.

"Jake," oh how I love it when he says my name, "you aren't 'just on time', you're late again." he answered.

And so the blushing of today begins,

"Shut up, I do my best you know."

"It's alright come here." he tells me.

Fuck yeah, here's my good morning kiss.

"Okay okay." Ouch... that wasn't a kiss, I got hit playfully instead, not too hard of course.

"I'm sorry. Now come closer, for real this time." Finally.

Yes his warm lips against mine. I wish we'd make out more or that he would kiss me hard, but he usually just gives small, soft pecks. If this is all I get I should be happy with it.

"Now did you have breakfast today?"

"Yes" I tell him quietly.

"Oh really, what what was it?" he says, seeing right through my lie.

"It was... euhm, toast! Yeah toast, really delicious toast." I really need to get better at lying about food.

Normally I'm quite good at lying but its just Midorima who makes me stutter through my lies.

He sighs heavily and says "I have this feeling you are lying to me and I don't like it."

"I'm sorry, I had no time but... Oh school is there, can't be late now. Bye Midorima-kun!!!"

Another sigh from him, "I guess I'll see you after school."

Phew, I'm glad he didn't get angry. Well he didn't get the time to get angry.

Oh no... There is Light and his gang.Maybe if I am fast enough they won't notice me but.

Aaarggh, someone pulled me backwards by taking a hold of my hood and it hurt my poor neck badly.

"You weren't trying to ignore me were you?"

"O- Of course not!" I hate it when they make me stutter. It just makes everything worse.

"Good, I didn't want you to miss one of your daily beatings." he says with his disgusting mouth.

Then I see his fist coming near my face and I'm desperately searching for Midorima to see if he's still here to save me. But I have no luck in this world, so his fist hit my eye and nose and IT HURTS SO fucking MUCH! My nose is bleeding and my eye starts tearing up. Someone else from his gang kicks my legs but then *DRIIIIING* there is the bell.

Going to mg first class I had the luck to meet the principal on my way. And of course like every other day, she isn't concerned about my injuries but gives me detention for not wearing my uniform and making the floor dirty. Yes with some of the blood that came out of my fucking nose. That lady lives just to make my day worse then it already is.

I am lucky that my first class is religion so I'll get to rest some. Seems too much like a fairy tale to peacefully sleep in class.

I get yelled at by the professor and be gives me a week detention.

It is not that I now have two weeks detention. No I will only have this week detention, I'll just have this week no matter how many times I get it. Its per week. Like every week having a fresh start, you had time to think about your actions in the weekend so you won't do it again. That's bullshit but it only works in my favor so I don't really have problems with it. Especially if you only gave to go fifteen minutes instead of a whole hour if you do an activity right after school. My band is my savior.

I survived the other three periods as well and then lunch break came. If it wasn't obvious to you. I don't have many friends. I got a few, but not a lot.

"Yo Jakey!" someone calls me from behind.

I see it is Anthon, one of the first few friends I have, "Yes Anthionoooooo?"

"Don't call me that, I think Midorima is spending his break playing basketball again, want to sit outside with me?"

"Of course, my dearest friend."

He hits my shoulder playfully, "Well come on, before our usual place is taking by some freshmen!"

"Okay okay, last one there has to drink from the water fountain!" and I began sprinting to our place outside under the big tree as fast as I could.

And as I was almost there I thought I was actually pretty fast, bug then he runs past me and laughs in my faces about how slow I am!

"REALLY I was almost just jogging right behind you. But I will not drink from that devils fountain!"

"Shhh don't laugh at me! I got bad un sportive genes!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever makes you sleep at night!"

"You may be fast but you aren't strong so!"

"Well you're neither of them so."

"Oh you shot me right through my heart."

"Hahaha, enough with this joking I'm hungry!" he says. I'm kind of hungry also, but I didn't pack anything this morning.

Ah who cares, you can survive two a three weeks without food. So a day won't hurt anyone.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asks me.

"No not really, but whatever I forgot to pack lunch today anyway."

" That's what you said yesterday, You can have some of mine if you'd like?"

"Ah no it's fine, I said I wasn't hungry." he looked a bit sad after that.

"Okay if you say so."

He ate quietly and before we knew it lunch break was over. I survived a break without getting harassed so that's a plus and the fun courses start in the afternoon so my day will finally become better.

I first got music with my favorite teacher Mr Fuentes. He's the coolest teacher there is.

After music I got art, which I'm not that great at but I don't suck at it so its nice.

As final I got math, which I am really good at. I am not the best but in my class I am one of the better, but so is Light. In other classes he would pester me really bad but its a bit less in maths. I said a bit so it's still a hell when he sits closer then two banks away from me.

But today went fine, until at the end of math he decided to throw a paper at em which said:

'Don't forget to wait for your special present after school

This morning was just a little taste to get excited'.

I could only hope Midorima would be there to save me. Again.

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