Chapter 5: Monday

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeeeeep*

Grrrr I fucking hate that alarm.

I do my best to look at my clock.

It shows [ 07:07 am ]

I'm not late today. I didn't hit the snooze-button four times.

I guess I wanted to really be proud of myself. Not only help my cutting problem but really getting a fresh start, get up on time, do all your homework, study some more, play some more music, be nicer to people, say good morning, smile some more even when it's not really needed, stuff like that. Maybe even go for a walk or go for a run sometimes to get a bit in shape. Be a better person then before. I think it's really what I need. 

I get up and for the first time in two years I have time to get a shower before going to school. I go to the bathroom and undress, avoiding to look in any mirror, and hop in the shower.

'I like cold showers in the morning.' I say to myself.

After getting dressed in my recently washed uniform, I go drink some orange juice and some Lipton Green Tea. Two of my favorite drinks, my other favorites are coffee and tea. I took a small snack and put it in my backpack. It's only my luck to trip over something while drinking the orange juice so my shirt is ruined.

I rush upstairs to get a new one and see I'm good on time. It's only ten to eight o'clock. 

I decide to leave already and slowly get to school. No rushing today. I put in my earphones humming to the music while going outside.

I see what I didn't really want. Actually I did want it, but I wanted to avoid it for some time.

I see Mido slowly walking a couple houses away. He lives at the beginning of the street right after the mine. I try to ignore him and just walk a bit faster, hoping he didn't see me.

But he did. With his long legs he was by my side in no time with a little to no effort. I'm really grateful he didn't try to make a conversation with me, although I was dying to know what he was thinking, he just did something to my backpack, I probably forgot to close one of the zippers, and said: "hey Jake."

I said: "Hey  Mido."

And that was it, together we slowly made our way to school.

He said a quick:" bye" before our ways parted and he walked over to the other building.

I just stared at his back, at his ass okay, and said: "goodbye".

Deciding I won't wander over our walk to school, I walked to my building. To be meet with, oh guess who, Light. I decided to ignore him as much as possible without speeding up, just casually walking past him, until he got hold of my arm.

"Did you not miss me? You left me for three days, I guess you enjoyed my special present. But that won't mean I won't be giving other presents away also. Here is one." he says when he punched my face.

But he missed. I ducked and he hit one of his gang members who had come stand to my other side.

That was my queue to start running to get inside.

"You little shit!" he says, while going after me. But I got inside in time, before he could reach me.

This day is going really good. I talk to Anthon in some of my classes and I see that he wants to talk about what happened last Thursday, but I really want to avoid that. I want to get over it and I'm making small progress but I think talking about it will get me down a bit. And I don't want that, I only just started this. I guess he'll try talking about it during lunch time.

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