Chapter 2: After School

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Fuck no! I will not let Light do that to me. Not today. I can't just take it today, tomorrow's okay, just not now.

Is it too much to ask for a day without getting violated? I guess so.

First detention. I can do this, it isn't that hard. You may do what you want, as long as you don't make too much noise and you do it on your own. You may read, make your homework, you can even sleep there.

I decided to learn a bit for the test I have tomorrow. It's math so I don't really care.

"Those who have an school activity to do now, may leave." the teacher announced. Those fifteen minutes were over before I knew it.

But now MUSIC yeah!!!

My small walk towards our rehearsal room was cut short by someone tackling me.

"Fuck!" I fell on my face. It was still hurt from this morning, I really hate my life. It's not fucking fair and there is nothing I can do about it but endure those pathetic attacks I get every day.


I get picked up just to get thrown into a bush. I get kicked from everywhere, it's a small Bush with thorns so it hurts and they have easy access to me.

I can feel myself almost getting unconscious when they left. I can't stand yet, the pain is too much, but I'm slowly going numb to it. When I start to smell something really I awful, I realize its smoke. Fuck there's something good wrong. The skin of mg hand gets tickled softly before the numbness went away and an immense burning pain takes place.

"FUCK, FUCK FUCK!!!" I yell while rolling away from the thorny bush, I am kind rolling of it onto the path. Fuck my hand hurts, it's burning red and just FUCK.

I slowly get up and see that the bush is totally on fire now. I remember something about holding your hand under cold water after the burn, but what do I have to do with that burning bush?

I'll just leave it there. There is no change that it can light other things on fire. It's a lonesome bush.

I rush to the toilets and I see my reflection in the mirror.

Don'tthink about it,

don't think aboutit,

don't think about it,

whyareyou thinking about it?

I can't stop myself from having another breakdown. It just happens.

Theworstis why they're doing this. It'snot evenbecause I'mgay.It's because you have such a horrible personality,you'realsougly on the outside,you're so fat,you don't even deserve to live,such a failure,your birth wasa fucking mistake,nobody reallylikesyou.Why don'tyoujust kill yourself?Everyone would bebetterwithout you.EvenMidorima,he'dhaveto worry less about such a big cry-baby.

It just goes on and on. I started crying sometime thinking about it. I can't even say it isn't true. Every word they tell me everyday isn't even a lie. Everything is just so fucking true.

"Why am I such a failure?" I say while punching the mirror hoping it would break. I can't even stand to look at my pathetic self anymore. And it did break. Beautiful sharp pieces of class shattered in the sink and on the ground. My burning hand is forgotten as I look how the mirror cut my fist. I laughed at myself, this will be nothing compared with what I'm about to do now to myself.

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