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      AN: Hey guys!!! Thanks so much for the reads! This chapter is a little bit shorter than the last but I think you'll like it. It is the introducing of Artemis!
Enjoy reading!!!

       Wally scowled miserably as he watched the tall, large, blond man sign the papers that the real estate agent had. This guy was buying the house that Roy was squatting in. And Wally was not happy.

       Wally growled some choice words under his breath as he put down his binoculars and sat back in his bed.

      Well this sucks! He thought, Now some random guy is going to be living in the only place that Dick and I can hang out together. Dick us going to be sooo peeved! Zuko and my parents will be happy as ever though.

       Wally scowled once more as he got up and hopped out his window. After making sure that his parents wouldn't see him thought he windows he slid off the roof and started through the fence. Once he safely made his way to Dick's fence, he slipped through and carefully peeked into the kitchen window. Seeing that Zuko was caught up in watching tv Wally knew that getting into Dick's window would be a breeze.

       Dick's over hang was low enough, and Wally was tall enough, that he could easily jump and grab it. Then with little struggle he pulled himself up and onto the roof. Dick was already opening his window and smirking at Wally as he climbed out onto the roof.

        "Zuko had a great day today. He's in a really good mood and is currently watching tv with a beer. He's also starting to doze so tonight will be so easy to chill!"

      Dick said happily.

      Wally smiled as he sat down beside Dick and started to tell him the news.

      "Someone is moving into Roy's old place."

Dick frowned slightly as he leaned back and got comfortable.

"Well, we knew it would happen eventually. I mean it could've happened when he was living there. He was squatting! He didn't own the place. It's just a good thing he already left."

Wally nodded as he considered this. He knew Dick was right. It still didn't make him any happier though.

      Dick noticed Wally still wasn't consoled so he socked him in the shoulder as he jumped up and started towards the edge of the roof.

      "Well! I am going to go scope out how visible the route from your side of the fence to mine is from the top of Roy's old roof!"

      Wally frowned and rubbed his shoulder as he got up to follow Dick. He knew that Dick was just trying to make him feel better but he was starting to get really annoyed at how relaxed Dick could be about the situation. So to make himself feel better Wally decided to he should start a good old wrestling match with Dick.

       Dick poked through the hole in his fence and was about to start towards the house when Wally came up  and wrestled him to the ground. He expected as much. Especially after hitting him back in the roof. What Dick was not expecting, though, was how little balance he would have when a 5'7", 180 pound, 17 year old ginger was on his back.

      They fell. Hard. Wally got the brunt of it though as Dick had fallen backwards. Onto an old rock fire pit. Dick was pretty sure he had a bruised kidney and maybe a cracked rib or two. Wally however probably had a couple of broken ribs and a serious headache.

      Dick cringed as he heard Wally groan from under him as he tried to speak,

      "Duuuude! That really hurt. Like, a lot."

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