"Whadda Ya Say, Sis?"

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AN: OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!! I AM SO SORRY YOU GUYS! Ugh. I finished my English Diploma exam so I should be updating more frequently now. Again I'm soooo sorry for not updating sooner. Anyways,
This just a few days after Wally gets back from Iris and Barry's place.                                      
Hope you guys like it. Happy Reading!!!

Artemis sat up in her room with an ice pack and cup of tea. Her dad had found out that she had almost been caught picking the cuff-links and decided that a few bruises were a reasonable punishment. Because, "no daughter of mine gets caught picking pockets!"

        Artemis took a long and relaxing sip of her tea as she re-positioned the ice pack to cover her ribs. She winced as the sudden movement caused her ribs to smart and then she laid back on her bed. Just as her eyes were starting to droop closed she heard the door bell ring.

       "Ugh! Whyyyy!?"

       Artemis slowly crawled out of bed as the ringing became more incessant. She slowly walked down the stairs, determined to make whoever it was wait.

     As Artemis reached the bottom of the stairs she flung open the door, ready to tell Wally or Dick to go away and leave her alone. However, her angry expression fell from her face as she saw who was on the other side of the door.


   She whispered, still unsure if this was real.

     "Ugh! It's about time! I've been waiting at the door for forever! You really need to work on your speed because, girl, you don't have any! Oh and don't get me started on this dump of a neighbourhood! I mean honestly how could dad stoop so lo- oomf!"

     Jade was cut off from her rant as Artemis captured her in a bone crushing hug.

Jade chuckled into Artemis' hair as she said,

"Good to see you too, little sis."

Artemis pulled back and smiled brightly at her sister before looking confusedly behind her.

Standing behind Jade was a tall, fit, young guy with red hair. He looked about Jade's age and he was currently shuffling awkwardly from foot to foot as he waited for the two sisters to finish with their moment.

"Uh... Jade?"

Artemis gestured towards the red head with a 'care to explain' look on her face.

Jade smiled brightly and happily bounced on the balls of her feet as she explained.

"Arty, this is Roy. Roy Harper. He actually used to live here. Or squat here. Whatever you want to call it. Anyways, we have some pretty interesting stuff to catch up on. Can we come in?"

Artemis suspiciously eyed Roy up as she slowly nodded in answer to Jade's question. Artemis stood off to the side of the door and let the two in before shutting, and locking, the door. After that she turned around and eyed Roy up again.

In the past, Jade's boyfriends had never been the greatest. She always seemed to have the worst taste in men and they all ended up just liking her for her status in Lawrence's 'business'. But Jade left the family business a while ago, so that's why Artemis was only mildly suspicious of this Harper kid.

"We should talk upstairs in my room. Dad's coming home soon and we both know if he sees you here he won't exactly be happy."

Jade nodded non-chalantly as if she had been thinking the same thing the whole time.

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