"You Replaced Me!?"

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AN: OH MY GOODNESS! It has been a while! I am very sorry but I've been really busy with school and, again sorry, but my education is more important than a fanfic story about cartoon characters that I can't get enough of! I thought I would quickly finish this chapter up and get it out and updated because I have some sad news, I will not be updating until after my Social Studies diploma exams in April. My last exam is April 9th. I might get another chapter out between now and then. I don't do school on Sundays so I can write then, but don't get your hopes up. Anyways, sorry again!
Here's the next chapter, it picks up where Roy left in the last chapter!

          After Roy had left the two girls to themselves he went to the backyard of Dick's house and climbed up the drain pipe to Dick's window. After peering inside and seeing Dick on his bed doing school, Roy tapped lightly on the window.

         Dick's head snapped up at the sound and he turned towards the window with a grin. Half expecting it to be Artemis or Wally his grin was wiped off of his face and replaced with a look of surprise. Shaking off his shock Dick hopped up from his bed and quickly flung open the window and hopped out to tackle Roy in a hug. Well... not literally tackle seeing that they were on a roof and that would be painful and dangerous. But you get the point.

       After the hug Dick smiled up at his friend and punched him in the shoulder.

       "It's good to see you, Roy! Why didn't you tell us you were coming? Does Wally know you're here yet?"

       Roy chuckled and made his way back over the the drain pipe and started back down.

       "I didn't let you know cause I thought it would be a good surprise. And no, Wally doesn't know I'm here. Let's head over to his place. Are his parents home today?"

        Dick slid down after Roy and answered,

        "Nah. This is one of his lucky days where they both decided to work on a Saturday so he's just chillin' at home."

        Roy turned around and looked at Dick with a shocked face.

      "You mean to tell me his parents aren't home on a Saturday and you're not over there hanging out? Why? You guys are with each other every chance you can get."

        Dick chuckled and kept on walking towards Wally's.

       "He's studying for a history paper. He might be smart but you and I both know he hates English and History. Actually he hates anything that doesn't have numbers or science involved... but that's besides the point. He needs to get a good mark on this history paper. If he does then his parents will let him transfer back to Gotham North High after Christmas break!"

"That's great!"

Roy said with a big smile as the two made their way to the front door of Wally's house. Roy was about to knock on the door but Dick stopped him as he whipped out his lock-picks and jiggled them into the knob. After a few seconds the door popped open with a satisfying 'click' and Dick grinned up at Roy.

Roy rolled his eyes at Dick as he walked into the house and said,

"I don't know why you picked the lock when we could've just knocked."

"It's more fun to surprise people. Plus I haven't done that in a while and I wanted to see if I've still got it."

"Well it seems to me that you've still got it, Dick."

Roy and Dick spun around to see Wally standing on the stairs with his arms folded across his chest and a smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall casually.

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